Day 365 - September 5
The stomach virus finally caught up with me and knocked the ever living snot out of me. Thursday night after work, I went out for a 4 mile run. I didn't do anything heroic, just a nice steady run. I wasn't home even 30 minutes and it hit me. I went to bed at 9:00 and was up at least once an hour all night long. On Friday, I was lucky if I spent 15 minutes straight sitting up. There just was no way I could even get on the treadmill.
So, 2 days short of a full year, the STREAK IS BROKEN!!! I'm really bummed, but there just was no way I could have run yesterday.
Now I've got to decide if I want to start over or if I just want to keep running without keeping track. I'll probably take a few days to decide.
Thanks to everyone who followed along this last year, 1189 miles and 146 hours of running.
Day: 364 Time/Date: 7:30 PM 9/4/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 80F
Run: S Carnation-Davis Miles: 4.1 Time: 31:19 Pace: 7:38 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1189.3 Total Running Time: 146:35:12
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Answer to most asked question-Amended-Amended
Posted by
7:15 AM
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Answer to most asked question - amended
Day 363 - September 3, 2008
A few days ago I answered the most frequent question I am asked -" what do you do when you are really sick?" Well, I've learned the last two days that what the real question should be is, "What do you do when your entire family is sick?" Because let me tell you, that makes it much harder to find time to run. When the wife and both kids are flat on their backs in bed, alternating trips to the bathroom to puke everywhere but in something with a drain, it can be quite exhausting. Now I'm not looking for sympathy - I'll take clean up duties over vomming any day. But when everyone is finally asleep for a few minutes, the last thing I have wanted to do is go out and run. Last night I managed to sneak in one mile between clean-ups (yep less than 7 minutes) and today I barely could drag my sorry but down the road for 2 miles. This is not how I anticipated the lead up to the one year anniversary of this streak.
Oh well, when life throws you curve balls you can dive out of the way or stand in and keep swinging. I'll keep swinging for a few more days - it would be really sad if I stopped this streak so close to the anniversary.
Stay healthy - C
Day: 362 Time/Date: 9:10 PM 9/2/2008 Weather: Indoors, 76F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 1.0 Time: 06:49 Pace: 6:49 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1183.2 Total Running Time: 145:47:17
Day: 363 Time/Date: 7:30 PM 9/3/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 84F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 16:36 Pace: 8:18 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1185.2 Total Running Time: 146:03:53
Posted by
9:03 PM
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sucking it up
Day 361 - September 1, 2008
Still not feeling great today, but it is time to get over being a wuss. When I realized I wasn't going to feel any better today, I decided I might as well get in a longer run because, well, I wasn't going to feel any worse. It wasn't too bad once I got going, but the energy just wasn't there like I would have preferred. Maybe by "inducing a fever" I'll help kill off whatever bacteria/virus is waging war with my intestines.
Day: 361 Time/Date: 11:30 AM 9/1/2008 Weather: Partly Cloudy, 78F
Run: Pea Ridge Carnation Loop Miles: 6.0 Time: 43:40 Pace: 7:17 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1182.2 Total Running Time: 145:40:28
Posted by
1:42 PM
Answers to my most asked question
Day 360 - August 31, 2008
Since I started the streak, the number one question I get is what do you do when you are sick? Well today is a perfect example. I woke today with a stomach virus and really didn't feel like running at all. This was the absolute closest I've come to giving up. Every bite of food or sip of drink sent my stomach into a fit of cramping. I spent most of my day in bed just thankful I wasn't parked in the bathroom. By late afternoon, I started to get a little energy back and I figured it was now or never for getting in a run. Not wanting to get too far from the house, I decided to try the treadmill so I could stop at any time. I switched over to the NFL Network and slowly built up the speed on the treadmill and let 2 miles pass away while I watched the game. That was about all the energy I had. So, the answer is - whatever it takes to get 1 or 2 miles in.
Day: 360 Time/Date: 4:40 PM 8/31/2008 Weather: Indoors, 76F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:16 Pace: 7:08 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1176.2 Total Running Time: 144:56:48
Posted by
1:21 PM
Saturday, August 30, 2008
How can I compete with that?
Day 359 - August 30, 2008
My run today seems pretty insignificant compared to the 2500+ runs logged by the women today who raised over $250,000 $310,000 to benefit breast cancer research.
The women came in all shapes and sizes, from the youngest (age 5) to the oldest (age 79). No matter what their time or place, they all accomplished something that most people wouldn't even try. One by one and group by group, they filled the roads around Foxfield and united for a common cause.
But it wasn't all about charity. The area's best gave chase to be crowned Women's 4-miler champion. The lead pack consisted of 2 Olympic trials qualifiers, a Masters National 10K qualifier, and some of the fastest women in Virginia. In the end, 1 second separated first from second and a mere 8 seconds was the difference between winning and 4th place. That is one competitive race.
So, to all the women who finished the race today, I say congratulations!! You are an inspiration to all of us.
Day: 359 Time/Date: 3:50 PM 8/30/2008 Weather: Clear, 84F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:09 Pace: 7:16 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1174.2 Total Running Time: 144:42:32
Posted by
8:09 PM
Friday, August 29, 2008
Friday Night Run
Day 358 - August 29, 2008
The sun returned today after a 2 day vacation and warmed things up quite a bit. My legs were a little tired and I had lots to do tonight, so I opted for the quick three and a half mile standby. I'm trying to make that distance my short run to keep my weekly mileage up. We'll see if I can maintain that.
I just realized my post from last night didn't go through. Maybe it will work this time.
Day: 358 Time/Date: 6:30 PM 8/29/2008 Weather: Clear, 80F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 25:28 Pace: 7:04 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1170.6 Total Running Time: 144:16:23
Posted by
9:33 PM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
When the rains come
Day 357 - August 28, 2008
On Tuesday, the weatherman said it was the driest August on record. A measly 0.2" of rain had fallen the entire month. When I finished my run tonight, I measured 5.5" of rain in our rain gauge that has been steadily filling since early yesterday morning. After a very dry summer, two consecutive days of running in the rain was kind of refreshing. The temperature has stayed warm enough that it is comfortable to be out in the rain, but cool enough that I don't need to shower - just kidding. I was thinking tonight that it is pretty amazing that after 357 consecutive days of running, I've only had to run in the rain a handful of times. When I went back to my log, I was surprised to find that I actually ran in rain, mist, freezing rain, sleet and snow a total of 27 times over the last 357 days. That is a lot more than I remember, especially since I know there were several days when I delayed my morning run because it was raining and waited for it to be drier in the evening. I wonder how many of those days I would have skipped if it wasn't for this streak?
Day: 356 Time/Date: 6:45 AM 8/27/2008 Weather: Rain, 73F
Run: E Daff Dam Loop Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:41 Pace: 7:50 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1161.6 Total Running Time: 143:10:29
Day: 357 Time/Date: 6:30 PM 8/28/2008 Weather: Rain, 70F
Run: Twin Lakes 5.4 Miles: 5.4 Time: 40:26 Pace: 7:29 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1167 Total Running Time: 143:50:55
Posted by
8:26 PM
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Why sometimes you just have to do it
Day 355 - August 26, 2008
Tonight was another night where I just didn't want to run. It was a struggle to get out there. Once I got out on the road I was fine. My 2 mile safety run turned into a 3.7 mile random tour of the neighborhood. I'm looking forward to the long weekend coming up and the opportunity to get out and run some longer runs. Maybe there will even be some time to catch up on some rest!
Day: 354 Time/Date: 8:10 PM 8/25/2008 Weather: Indoors, 77F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 2.7 Time: 19:11 Pace: 7:06 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1155.9 Total Running Time: 142:27:41
Day: 355 Time/Date: 6:45 PM 8/26/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 73F
Run: Davis Run Miles: 3.7 Time: 27:07 Pace: 7:20 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1159.6 Total Running Time: 142:54:48
Posted by
7:48 PM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Nothing compared to yesterday
Day 353 - August 24, 2008
No excitement today - just an early morning run to get in a few miles with the father in-law before he and the kids head home later today.
Day: 353 Time/Date: 6:45 AM 8/24/2008 Weather: Clear, 68F
Run: Davis Run Miles: 3.3 Time: 27:58 Pace: 8:28 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1153.2 Total Running Time: 142:08:30
Posted by
8:05 AM
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Death threats while running
Day 352 - August 23, 2008
Today was interesting - as I was about a mile from home, running with the wife, when this white Subaru came up from behind me and shouted some rather colorful language at us. Being the calm, pacifist type, I simply waved and thanked him for the comments.
Well, just like you, he apparently thought I gave him the one finger salute and he turned his car around, slammed on the brakes, and practically tripped over himself trying to get out of his car. Being the big man that he was, he pulls some kind of club/cane out of the car and threatens to beat me with it. Trying not to laugh, I told him to get back in his car and drive away before his fat ass had a heart attack. As you might imagine, he didn't take that well. But I guess I surprised him by not running away and he got back in his car after impressing me with all the 4 letter words he knew. I think there may have been a complete sentence in there somewhere, but it was hard to tell.
Of course, the moron didn't realize, that unlike most of his relatives, I could remember a 3 letter-4 number license plate and joyfully placed a phone call to the local law enforcement agency and filed a complaint. So, Mr. Happy Driver - I hope you enjoy your visit from the sheriff. I know I will.
Not bad - two weeks shy of a full year of running before anyone threatened to kill me. At this rate I guess I've got one or two more of these coming before the 1000 days are up.
Day: 351 Time/Date: 6:30 AM 8/22/2008 Weather: Clear, 56F
Run: Davis Run Miles: 3.3 Time: 28:27 Pace: 8:37 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1143.3 Total Running Time: 140:35:09
Day: 352 Time/Date: 7:00 AM 8/23/2008 Weather: Clear, 62F
Run: Davis Run Miles: 6.6 Time: 05:23 Pace: 9:54 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1149.9 Total Running Time: 141:40:32
Posted by
11:08 AM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Just not enough hours in the day to keep up with posting
Day 350 - August 21, 2008
Tonight I tried the triathlon approach to training. As soon as I finished dinner, I jumped on the bike for a quick 12 miles, then went out for my daily run. It took me a few minutes to get my running muscles to switch back into running mode. I really don't know how triathletes do it.
Day: 348 Time/Date: 8:00 PM 8/19/2008 Weather: Clear, 83F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:35 Pace: 7:17 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1134.4 Total Running Time: 139:24:33
Day: 349 Time/Date: 6:40 AM 8/20/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 65F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:10 Pace: 7:35 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1136.4 Total Running Time: 139:39:43
Day: 350 Time/Date: 7:50 PM 8/21/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 75F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:59 Pace: 7:30 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1140 Total Running Time: 140:06:42
Posted by
8:54 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
Catching up
Day 347 - August 18, 2008
Here's a quick download from the last several days. This week is looking as busy as the past, so my posting may be, well, erratic.
Day: 341 Time/Date: 7:50 PM 8/11/2008 Weather: Indoors, 77F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 2.0 Time: 12:52 Pace: 6:26 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1112.2 Total Running Time: 136:35:35
Day: 342 Time/Date: 7:00 AM 8/13/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 60F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 25:56 Pace: 7:12 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1115.8 Total Running Time: 137:01:31
Day: 343 Time/Date: 8:15 PM 8/14/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 73F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:12 Pace: 7:36 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1117.8 Total Running Time: 137:16:43
Day: 344 Time/Date: 5:00 PM 8/15/2008 Weather: Rain, 78F
Run: 5 Hill 4.4 Miles: 4.4 Time: 32:09 Pace: 7:18 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1122.2 Total Running Time: 137:48:52
Day: 345 Time/Date: 9:00 AM 8/16/2008 Weather: Clear, 68F
Run: S Carnation, N Carnation-Davis Miles: 4.9 Time: 41:37 Pace: 8:30 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1127.1 Total Running Time: 138:30:29
Day: 346 Time/Date: 7:45 AM 8/17/2008 Weather: Clear, 57F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:07 Pace: 7:34 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1129.1 Total Running Time: 138:45:36
Day: 347 Time/Date: 8/18/2008 6:50AM Weather: Clear, 59F
Run: Davis Run Miles: 3.3 Time: 24:22 Pace: 7:23 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1132.4 Total Running Time: 139:09:58
Posted by
8:56 AM
Monday, August 11, 2008
Slow but steady
Day 340 - August 11, 2008
There was nothing fast about today. The weather was cool, almost fall like. I guess staying up to watch that amazing Men's 4x100m freestyle left me a little tired. But man, was it worth it. Watch it here
What could be better than winning Gold and shoving it right in the face of those arrogant French frogs. I guess coming in second is a smashing when you are used to losing as the French are.
Day: 340 Time/Date: 6:45 AM 8/11/2008 Weather: Clear, 55F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 27:45 Pace: 7:43 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1110.2 Total Running Time: 136:22:43
Posted by
9:24 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Randomly running more than I intended
Day 339 - August 10, 2008
Today was another one of those days where I just had to go out and run. I really didn't feel like pushing myself after running and riding 30 miles yesterday, but my legs actually felt better after running. I guess this streak is good for something.
Day: 339 Time/Date: 11:15 AM 8/10/2008 Weather: Clear, 80F
Run: Random Miles Miles: 4.1 Time: 31:40 Pace: 7:43 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1106.6 Total Running Time: 135:54:58
Posted by
2:11 PM
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Recovery Miles
Day 338 - August 9, 2008
It was a beautiful morning to run. The air was crystal clear and the temperature was near perfect. After running pretty hard last night, I took it slow today and just ran to get some miles in.
I also broke the 1100 mile mark. It took me 30 days to get from 1000 to 1100. I'm going to try and get to 1200 in less than 4 weeks. That shouldn't be too bold of a prediction. If I can push my 2 mile short runs out a little, and get in a longer run each week I should be fine.
Day: 338 Time/Date: 6:35 AM 8/9/2008 Weather: Clear, 60F
Run: Beazly Miles: 5.1 Time: 39:20 Pace: 7:43 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1102.5 Total Running Time: 135:23:18
Posted by
7:27 AM
Friday, August 8, 2008
Sometimes when you don't feel like running...
Day 337 - August 8, 2008 just have to go out and run anyway. My calves were sore from yesterday's double workout of running and riding and I really didn't want to run any farther or faster than I had to. But, after a typically slow first half mile, I started to loosen up, the pain started to go away, and my pace kept getting faster and faster. When all was said and done, my average pace had dipped below 7 minutes per mile. Is that fast - well, for me it is. Over the course of this streak, I've been averaging ~7:20/mile. I hope I can remember today's run over the next several weeks. As I ride more miles, I'm guessing I'm going to have sore calves quite often. I know I've let sore legs hold back my mileage lately.
Day: 337 Time/Date: 6:45 PM 8/8/2008 Weather: Clear, 88F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 25:05 Pace: 6:58 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1097.4 Total Running Time: 134:43:58
Posted by
9:39 PM
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Run before a Ride
Day 336 - August 7, 2008
This week hasn't exactly gone as planned with craziness at work and gobs of stuff to do at home. But tonight I said it can all wait and went out for a short run and then immediately went out for a bike ride. The run wasn't much to brag about - just a couple of miles - but it got me warmed up for my ride. I've never done a multi-sport event (triathlon or biathlon) so it was cool to experience that transition. I'll probably do more of this as it gets closer to the cycling challenge and I get deeper into my training. But the run will always come first and the streak will continue - even past October 26th!
Day: 336 Time/Date: 7:20 PM 8/7/2008 Weather: Partly Cloudy, 90F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:45 Pace: 7:23 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1093.8 Total Running Time: 134:18:53
Posted by
8:52 PM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Dead Legs
Day 335 - August 6, 2008
Was that 4 or 40 miles I ran yesterday? My legs felt like lead this morning. I wasn't even a half mile into the run and I knew I had to cut it short. I'm sure I'm not getting enough sleep this week which isn't helping either. Maybe things will be a little more normal next week.
Day: 335 Time/Date: 6:45 AM 8/6/2008 Weather: Clear, 68F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 27:33 Pace: 7:39 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1091.8 Total Running Time: 134:04:08
Posted by
7:45 AM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Evening 4
Day 334 - August 5, 2008
Tonight was just about getting a run in and recording some miles. I really didn't even pay attention to the watch. In the end, it was a decent run for the middle of the week.
Day: 334 Time/Date: 7:30 PM 8/5/2008 Weather: Clear, 89F
Run: S Carnation-Davis Miles: 4.1 Time: 30:30 Pace: 7:26 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1088.2 Total Running Time: 133:36:35
Posted by
8:49 PM
Monday, August 4, 2008
Nice morning
Day 333 - August 4, 2008
Wow - 1/3 of the way to 1000. That didn't sink in until I sat down to record my run this morning. If the next 667 days are as nice as this morning, it will be a breeze. I had nice warm sunshine on a cool fall-like morning. Even with the late run yesterday, the miles were not that bad this morning. I even saw 4 deer out grazing in a field as I reached the turn around point. I really enjoy calm mornings like today. Wouldn't it be great if every Monday could start this way?
Day: 333 Time/Date: 7:00 AM 8/4/2008 Weather: Clear, 61F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:09 Pace: 7:16 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1084.1 Total Running Time: 133:06:05
Posted by
7:37 AM
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Back from the whirlwind tour of Pennsylvania
Day 332 - August 3, 2008
Nothin' much to say - lots of driving and a little running. Just wanted to get my runs posted and up to date.
Day: 330 Time/Date: 6:25 AM 8/1/2008 Weather: Clear, 66F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:45 Pace: 7:23 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1074.5 Total Running Time: 131:54:10
Day: 331 Time/Date: 8:20 PM 8/2/2008 Weather: Clear, 60F
Run: Granville Center Miles: 2.5 Time: 18:58 Pace: 7:35 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1077 Total Running Time: 132:13:08
Day: 332 Time/Date: 8:40 PM 8/3/2008 Weather: Clear,78F
Run: Geranium Amicus Miles: 3.5 Time: 26:48 Pace: 7:39 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1080.5 Total Running Time: 132:39:56
Posted by
9:56 PM
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Much better month
Day 329 - July 31, 2008
July proved to be a much better month for running. For the first time in several months I was over 100 miles. Finally I'm trending in the right direction. I'll be out of town this weekend with no internet access, so posting will have to wait until I get back. Hope you all have a good weekend.
Day: 329 Time/Date: 7:40 PM 7/31/2008 Weather: Clear, 81F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 25:35 Pace: 7:06 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1072.5 Total Running Time: 131:39:25
Posted by
8:34 PM
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Big Announcement
Day 328 - July 30, 2008
This morning I went for nice run with the wife. We did 2 miles together then I went on ahead and ran another 3.5 when she was done. It was nice to get out together and put a few miles under our shoes. I was proud of her - even with it being so hot she still ran the whole thing without stopping. She'll be ready for the Women's 4 miler in no time.
A few days ago I mentioned that a challenge had been thrown down about riding in the 3rd Annual Cycling Challenge to benefit the Charlottesville Boys and Girls Club. Well, I bought a bike and have begun training. Initially, I thought I'd just ride the short 30 mile loop and be done with it. But what good would that do the kids? My $50 registration won't do much and I'm not doing it because I love to ride and was looking for the next opportunity. No, I'm going to do my best to raise some serious cash. In fact, to help promote the cause, I've launched a blog - Cycling for CVille to track my training progress, share my riding experiences, and raise upwards of $1500 for the Boys and Girls Club. So, if your interested in another reading experience and want to help out, click on over and check it out. The more money I raise, the farther I'm going to ride.
Now, running comes first and I'm going to keep this streak going. I hope I can add the riding without hurting my weekly mileage. It's only 3 months until the big event, so I should be able to handle it. If I have to drop out of one challenge, it will definitely be the riding.
Day: 328 Time/Date: 8:00 AM 7/30/2008 Weather: Clear, 78F
Run: TL 5.5 Miles: 5.5 Time: 48:25 Pace: 8:48 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1068.9 Total Running Time: 131:13:50
Posted by
7:37 PM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
A new route
Day 327 - July 29, 2008
Today was all about finding a balance between running enough and making sure I don't injure myself. Yesterday I bought a new bike and of course had to take it out and see what I could do. I only went 6 miles, but I wasn't sure how that would affect me on the run today. My legs definitely felt different, but it wasn't bad. I did have some foot pain when I started out today, but I think that is unrelated to the bike ride. I think has more to do with all the time I've been on my feet the last few days. I'm going to monitor it and see how it goes the next few days.
The new route was nothing crazy, just an extension on the 2 mile Amicus run. I was hoping it would get me out to 3 miles but 2.8 is good. Either tomorrow or Thursday I'll get in a long run (assuming the foot pain is gone) and be right on track for another good week of running.
Be sure to check back tomorrow as I have a big announcement planned - just another data point to prove I am in fact insane.
Day: 327 Time/Date: 7:10 AM 7/29/2008 Weather: Clear, 68F
Run: Carnation 2.8 Miles: 2.8Time: 20:50 Pace: 7:26 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1063.4 Total Running Time: 130:25:25
Posted by
10:34 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008
Another day down
Day 326 - July 28, 2008
Today was just a maintenance run to get a few miles in before work. I have to admit I thought about just sleeping in and scrambling for a run after work in the heat. I'll be glad when the humidity breaks a little and I can have some more flexibility in when I run. Yesterday's mid-day run was brutal on me and I really didn't feel recovered today.
Day: 326 Time/Date: 7:15 AM 7/28/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 63F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:41 Pace: 7:25 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1060.6 Total Running Time: 130:04:35
Posted by
7:55 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Random Thoughts from the last 3 days
Day 325 - July 27, 2008
The last 3 days have been weird. I overslept on Friday so I took the cheap way out and only ran a couple of miles thinking I had all afternoon on Saturday to get in a longer run. Saturday came and the quest to find a bike to ride in the fore mentioned challenge turned into an afternoon of riding progressively more expensive bikes and then an evening of greasy cheeseburgers and beer. I was probably one beer shy of the streak coming to a crashing halt, but I sucked it up and ran a quick mile on the treadmill at 10:30pm so I could live to blog another day. Let's just say that beer and cheeseburgers should come after the run, not before.
Today, I wanted to get a longer run in, but it got hot really fast. I couldn't decide what the best course of action was, so rather than run a common route and end up racing the watch, I decide to skip a plan and just run for 30-35 minutes. I intentionally started out toward Amicus with no plan so that I was certain to adjust on the fly and run a truly random route. It worked well. I made 2 mid run course corrections and managed to sneak in an extra mile and maintain a relaxed but efficient pace. Who knows what the rest of the week will bring, but if I start riding this week, I'm sure the mileage will slip a little. Stay tuned.
Day: 323 Time/Date: 7:15 AM 7/25/2008 Weather: Clear, 60F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:34 Pace: 7:17 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1051.4 Total Running Time: 128:57:30
Day: 324 Time/Date: 10:30 PM 7/26/2008 Weather: Indoors, 77F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 1.0 Time: 06:51 Pace: 6:51 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1052.4 Total Running Time: 129:04:21
Day: 325 Time/Date: 12:30 PM 7/27/2008 Weather: Partly Cloudy, 90F
Run: Random miles Miles: 4.6 Time: 33:33 Pace: 7:18 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1057 Total Running Time: 129:37:54
Posted by
3:17 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Waking up on the run
Day 322 - July 24, 2008
46 weeks into the streak I still find ways to surprise myself on the run. Obviously, yesterday's 9 mile run left my legs a little tired and I wasn't really psyched about running this morning. So to ease myself out, I chose my favorite daily route and headed into the fog. As I expected, I was pretty slow.
My first half mile out of the development was 10 seconds slower than my normal crawl. Add that up over a 3.5 mile run and that's over a minute slower. So, I decided to try and pick it up a little, but my effort didn't yield much. When I finally reached the turn around, I was 13:54, still a good 10 seconds from normal, but at least I was maintaining my pace.
On the way back, I was monitoring my pace and I estimated that if I continued to run at that pace I might break 27 minutes. It seemed unlikely, but I half jokingly reminded myself of Phillipians 4:13 and continued to push on. Well, something must have clicked on the way back because the strides were coming easier and before I knew it I was back in the development with only the long downhill around Carnation to go. When I reached the driveway, my watch said 25:56! I had run the second half in 12:01.
It is funny what little things we use to motivate ourselves. I really doubt whether God, or anyone else for that matter, cares what time I run my daily runs in. But, that one short thought, that didn't enter my head at any other point on the run, may have been just the trigger I was looking for. I hope I can remember this post when faced with a real challenge someday. If a little positive thinking can get me through an insignificant 3 mile run, imagine what it can do when it matters.
Day: 322 Time/Date: 6:30 AM 7/24/2008 Weather: Clear, 63F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 25:56 Pace: 7:12 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1049.4 Total Running Time: 128:42:56
Posted by
7:03 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
300th post
Day 321 - July 23, 2008
Well, I couldn't let my 300th post be a pitiful little 2 mile run, so I decided not to post anything yesterday. Instead, I saved it for the 9 mile run I did this morning. It was hot and humid for such an early morning run, but I was pretty pleased when I finally finished. My time wasn't terrible and I didn't get the dreaded I can't go on feeling. I did at one point entertain the idea of calling the wife to come get me, but since I wasn't positive she would be able to get the kids up and out the door faster than I could be home, I decided against it.
I'm hoping that this long run will encourage me to continue to bump up my weekly mileage. I should be in the mid-20's this week (I hope since I ran almost half of that today) and that is getting me close to the 30 a week I'd like to do. I've only got one more weekend trip planned that will cut into my running time, then it should be smooth sailing through the fall.
The one thing that might get int he way would be this silly bike ride challenge that was issued to me. Apparently, our entire company is going to be riding for the local boys and girls club. Sounds like a great cause, but it means I have to a) get a bike, b) train, c) ride over Afton Mtn. Fortunately, I'm not that competitive (ROFLOL) so I won't take it that seriously. We'll see.
Day: 320 Time/Date: 7:10 AM 7/22/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 69F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:50 Pace: 7:25 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1036.8 Total Running Time: 127:09:23
Day: 321 Time/Date: 5:45 AM 7/23/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 72F
Run: Celt 9 miler Miles: 9.0 Time: 07:37 Pace: 7:31 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1045.8 Total Running Time: 128:17:00
Posted by
1:01 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hey, I Remember You
Day 319 - July 21, 2008
An old friend came to visit me on the run today - the mid-run stretch. I forgot how much I missed taking a short break after warming up for a mile or two. Stretching really helped this morning as I was crawling along at speeds a sloth would find slow. I didn't do much, just 2 or 3 minutes to work the quads, calves, hamstrings, and inner thigh. I tried to stretch out my creaking back, but I don't think it did much. But, just those two or three minutes made a world of difference. It had taken me 10:40 to get to my stretching spot, but it took less than 9:40 on the way back. I need to remember to invite my old friend along with me on my morning runs. My times will start looking better and I imagine I'll have less problems with sore legs. So thank you old friend for joining me today.
Day: 319 Time/Date: 6:30 AM 7/21/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 71F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:35 Pace: 7:23 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1034.8 Total Running Time: 126:54:33
Posted by
7:37 AM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Waiting out the heat
Day 318 - July 20, 2008
Sleeping in on the weekend is nice, but having to run in the heat is not. I waited as long as I could today and it still was in the mid-80s. The temperature wouldn't have been bad, but the humidity was a killer. It still was a good run - way faster than even just a few days ago.
I still want to get a long run in, but I have to admit I find lots of excuses not to do it. I'm not sure why I keep doing that. Maybe I schedule a run somewhere out of the ordinary to get out there and force the long run to happen.
Day: 318 Time/Date: 8:15 PM 7/20/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 85F
Run: S Carnation-Davis Miles: 4.1 Time: 30:35 Pace: 7:28 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1031.2 Total Running Time: 126:27:58
Posted by
9:56 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Finding time to post
Day 317 - July 19, 2008
Its been a busy week and the running has suffered a bit. To maximize my time running, I decided to not post everyday. It seems silly that 10 minutes a day makes a difference, but in some psychological way it does. Here's what you missed this week.
Day: 312 Time/Date: 10:10 PM 7/14/2008 Weather: Clear, 72F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:34 Pace: 7:47 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1013.4 Total Running Time: 124:12:22
Day: 313 Time/Date: 6:30 AM 7/15/2008 Weather: Clear, 65F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 27:40 Pace: 7:41 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1017 Total Running Time: 124:40:02
Day: 314 Time/Date: 7:50 PM 7/16/2008 Weather: Clear, 85F
Run: S Carnation-Davis Miles: 4.1 Time: 31:52 Pace: 7:46 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1021.1 Total Running Time: 125:11:54
Day: 315 Time/Date: 7:10 AM 7/17/2008 Weather: Clear, 63F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:00 Pace: 7:30 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1023.1 Total Running Time: 125:26:54
Day: 316 Time/Date: 7:10 AM 7/18/2008 Weather: Clear, 67F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:56 Pace: 7:28 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1025.1 Total Running Time: 125:41:50
Day: 317 Time/Date: 7:45 PM 7/19/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 89F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:33 Pace: 7:46 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1027.1 Total Running Time: 125:57:23
Posted by
8:54 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Too hot for 8 am
Day 311 - July 13, 2008
I ran mostly in a daze this morning and just tried to get from one point to the next. This was not one of those relaxing runs that you can really enjoy. I could have easily taken the easy route and only run 2 miles, but I'm trying to force my weekly mileage back up near 30. At some point I've got to make a longer run happen before work. We'll see what the week brings.
Day: 311 Time/Date: 8:10 AM 7/13/2008 Weather: Clear, 71F
Run: Geranium-Amicus Miles: 3.5 Time: 26:38 Pace: 7:37 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1011.4 Total Running Time: 123:56:48
Posted by
3:02 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Not much to write about
Day 310 - July 12, 2008
Just a slow two miles to let my aching calves recover.
Day: 310 Time/Date: 7/12/2008 7:30:00 AM Weather: Clear, 70F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:43 Pace: 7:51 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1007.9 Total Running Time: 123:30:10
Posted by
7:48 AM
Friday, July 11, 2008
Running at dusk
Day 309 - July 11, 2008
Today was a good recovery run. I wanted to wait for the sun to set so it would be cooler, but it was still a pretty warm evening. The miles clicked off pretty easily and I enjoyed the relaxed run. I need to find more time to enjoy more runs and not just record another notch on the streak pole.
Day: 309 Time/Date: 8:10 PM 7/11/2008 Weather: Clear, 87F
Run: Beazly Miles: 5.1 Time: 38:25 Pace: 7:32 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1005.9 Total Running Time: 123:14:27
Posted by
10:59 PM
Just like that 1000 miles down
Day 308 - July 10, 2008
And there you have it, I have cracked the 1000 mile barrier. Sure, to get to 4000, I should have been there 2 months ago, but I have to admit that running everyday was tougher than I thought it would be in the beginning. Now that the barrier is down, I'm going to see if I can get to 1200 by the end of the first year or the streak. At least I don't let my past failures get in the way of setting high goals :)
Even with the heat, I still ran a pretty fast time last night. Compare that to the last two times I've done this run and I was smokin. I'll take it easier tonight when I go out - hopefully it will be a little cooler.
Thanks for hanging in there for 1000 miles. I look forward to the next 1000.
Day: 308 Time/Date: 5:15 PM 7/10/2008 Weather: Clear, 93F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 24:40 Pace: 6:51 min/mile
Miles to Date: 1000.8 Total Running Time: 122:36:02
Posted by
11:17 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Sleep won out - 1000 miles will wait a day
Day 307 - July 9, 2008
So I gave in to my need to sleep. I really wanted to run the 7 miles to get to 1000 miles, but the lousy weather and being dead tired overruled. Still, 1000 miles in 308 days is pretty good. If I push myself, I may get to 1200 by the end of the first year.
How's that for the next goal?
Day: 307 Time/Date: 7:00 AM 7/9/2008 Weather: Clear, 73F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 25:35 Pace: 7:06 min/mile
Miles to Date: 997.2 Total Running Time: 122:11:22
Posted by
9:53 PM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Glad I didn't wait
Day 306 - July 8, 2008
Due to circumstances of work and family responsibilities I needed to run on the treadmill tonight. Although I hate to admit it, I think it was good for me to run a consistent pace for 3 miles that wasn't slow. Maybe this will help me when I get back on the road tomorrow. To break the monotony of 2 mile treadmill runs I decided to run for 20 minutes plus whatever I needed to round it up to the next lap. That worked well. I didn't run too fast and feel like dying after two miles, but I ran fast enough to make sure I didn't take 20 minutes to run two and a half.
I'm getting very close to 1000 miles. I'm debating a long run in the morning to just go for it or let it happen over two days. I guess I leave it as a cliff hanger for now...Can you feel the excitement?
Day: 306 Time/Date: 8:35 PM 7/8/2008 Weather: Indoors, 78F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 3.0 Time: 20:46 Pace: 6:55 min/mile
Miles to Date: 993.6 Total Running Time: 121:45:47
Posted by
10:17 PM
Monday, July 7, 2008
Maybe that is the problem
Day 305 - July 7, 2008
I think the thought of getting up to go to work is demotivating to the point that it makes me not want to get up and run. Maybe it was just yesterday's travel, but I really had no desire to go out and get my miles in. I found this to be quite the contrast from this past weekend where I was constantly looking for ways to extend out my run and get more miles in. Maybe that had something to do with sharing a small house with 11 other people - I don't know. Anyway - today marks the 10 month monthiversary for this journey - 61 more days and then it will be a real anniversary.
Day: 305 Time/Date: 7:00 AM 7/7/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 68F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:40 Pace: 7:20 min/mile
Miles to Date: 990.6 Total Running Time: 121:25:01
Posted by
1:09 PM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Another trip down
Day 304 - July 6, 2008
The streak has survived another travel day and forced family vacation. I set the alarm early and struggled through a cramped and stiff 3 mile run before loading the car up and driving 9 hours back home. The weather was still pretty nice and the neighborhoods were great for running, but I'm glad to be back home.
Day: 304 Time/Date: 6:45 AM 7/6/2008 Weather: Clear, 63F
Run: Cleveland Running Miles: 3.0 Time: 22:13 Pace: 7:24 min/mile
Miles to Date: 988.6 Total Running Time: 121:10:21
Posted by
8:52 PM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Sure you'll be ready by 7
Day 303 - July 5, 2008
Didn't make it up before the alarm this morning but I was ready to crawl out of that death-trap of a pull-out sofa as soon as possible. As if that monstrosity wasn't uncomfortable enough, our 7 year old decided she needed to sleep in it as well last night. Can you say no sleep!
Anyway - not that that has anything to do with running. Getting up early was worth it. Today was another perfect morning for running. If my legs had not been so tired from yesterdays 7+ miles followed by a day of walking around the zoo, I'm sure I would have gone for another long run today. Instead I settled for a 23 minute 3.3 mile out and back. I thought I needed to be back by 7am so I was pushing it. Turns out no one else was awake when I got back so there was no hurry.
Finishing early has one extra benefit - now I get to sit here in Panera, sipping my coffee and post using the free WI-FI, while everyone fights over the one tiny bathroom. Ain't life grand.
Day: 303 Time/Date: 6:30 AM 7/5/2008 Weather: Clear, 59F
Run: Cleveland Running Miles: 3.3 Time: 23:08 Pace: 7:01 min/mile
Miles to Date: 985.6 Total Running Time: 120:48:08
Posted by
8:24 AM
Friday, July 4, 2008
Ironically 1 tenth of a mile short
Day 302 - July 4, 2008
Happy Independence Day! I woke up 10 minutes before my alarm this morning and decided to make the best of it. I was stiff as a board from sleeping on the 58 year old sleeper sofa and I figured no additional sleep was going to help that. I gave myself 30 minutes to work out the creaks, then set out on a perfect weather morning. Our annual trek to Cleveland is usually welcomed with high temperatures in the 100s and lows in the 90s - I'm not kidding - one year the house never got below 92 degrees the entire weekend. Today, it was 57 when I stepped outside with zero wind or humidity.
The area of Cleveland that we are visiting has to look like a sheet of graph paper from the sky, so there is almost no chance of getting lost. The neighborhoods are also very old, so there were lots of mature trees to run under and perfectly landscaped, manicured lawns surrounding Craftsman style houses. With no particular goal for where to run to, I ran against the watch and just meandered from block to block. At 26ish minutes, I decided to head back and retrace my steps. Gmap-pedometer tells me the run total was 7.3 - seems like I should have found another 0.1 somwhere to run 7.4 on the 4th of July - Oh well.
It was a perfect run this morning - no pressure to be back, no traffic to dodge, no loose dogs to avoid. If I could have mornings like this everyday I'd be renaming the blog 10000000 Days of Running.
Day: 302 Time/Date: 6:45 AM 7/4/2008 Weather: Clear, 57F
Run: Cleveland Running Miles: 7.3 Time: 52:55 Pace: 7:15 min/mile
Miles to Date: 982.3 Total Running Time: 120:25:00
Posted by
8:56 AM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Heading out
Day 301 - July 3, 2008
I've got another 9 hour car ride today so I decided to take it easy on the miles and get out early. The clouds were just starting to pink up as I headed out and at least gave me something worthwhile to look at so early in the day. I don't think I like running before 6am, but 6am in July is way better than 6am in December.
Day: 301 Time/Date: 5:40 AM 7/3/2008 Weather: Clear, 58F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:05 Pace: 7:32 min/mile
Miles to Date: 975 Total Running Time: 119:32:05
Posted by
5:58 AM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
300 Days and finally off the 15
Day 300 - July 2, 2008
Today is a day to celebrate for me - I finally made it to 300. I know I still have a long way to go to get to 1000, but somehow it seems more possible. It also is a time for an update on my cross-country journey. After 300 days of traveling north on Interstate 15, I finally have reached Idaho Falls and am turning East towards Jackson Hole and then north to Yellowstone.
To make the 4000 miles across country, I really need to get my daily average up and that is going to take some long runs. My goal for the next 1oo days will be to raise my daily average from the 3.2 miles I'm at now to 3.4.
Today's run was shorter than I had expected to do for the big day. I slept like garbage last night and my legs were dead when I rolled out onto the blacktop. So, bagging the long run I chose my favorite run - the 3.6 mile Davis run. It was a great morning and I really picked up the pace on the way back. I thought about going back out this evening if I had the time, but it didn't work out. So here I am, 300 days, 973 miles, and 119 hours into my streak. It is pretty cool to think that by next weekend I could hit 1000 miles. I know I should be well past 1000 already if I'm going to get to 4000, but still, 1000 miles in 10 months is pretty cool.
Thanks for hanging in for 300 days - I hope you'll keep checking back as I edge closer to 1000.
Day: 300 Time/Date: 7:15 AM 7/2/2008 Weather: Clear, 61F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 25:42 Pace: 7:08 min/mile
Miles to Date: 973 Total Running Time: 119:17:00
Posted by
10:44 PM
Cool Summer morning
Day 299 - July 1, 2008
Just an easy 2 mile run before tomorrow's big day.
Day: 299 Time/Date: 6:15 AM 7/1/2008 Weather: Clear, 57F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:03 Pace: 7:31 min/mile
Miles to Date: 969.4 Total Running Time: 118:51:18
Posted by
5:04 PM
Monday, June 30, 2008
Bye, bye June
Day 298 - June 30, 2008
The streak has survived another month. June has come and gone without much fanfare. Today was a nearly perfect summer morning. The sun was rising behind high white clouds, the temperature was as low as can be expected for June, and traffic was light as I ran the back roads through farm country. Not a bad way to start a week.
Day: 298 Time/Date: 7:25 AM 5/3/2008 Weather: Clear, 66F
Run: Beazly Miles: 5.1 Time: 38:53 Pace: 7:37 min/mile
Miles to Date: 967.4 Total Running Time: 118:36:15
Posted by
7:50 AM
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A chilly 87F
Day 297 - June 29, 2008
Normally 87 would seem pretty hot for an afternoon run. but after yesterday, it was actually not that bad. I intentionally went for a shorter run today so that I would be ready for a longer run in the morning - we'll see if I can actually pull that off on a Monday morning. Stay tuned...
Day: 297 Time/Date: 6:15 PM 6/29/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 87F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:18 Pace: 7:09 min/mile
Miles to Date: 962.3 Total Running Time: 117:57:22
Posted by
11:13 PM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
That run was HOT
Day 296 - June 28, 2008
Man - 100F is hot. It's been a long time since I ran in the triple digits. To help stay cool, I tried to run in the shade and even thought I was only out for 23 minutes, I stopped three times to cool off. I should have forced myself to get out before 6 this morning but I didn't make it. This will be incentive to get up early tomorrow.
Day: 296 Time/Date: 4:15 PM 6/28/2008 Weather: Sunny, 100F
Run: TL 3.1 Miles: 3.1 Time: 22:54 Pace: 7:23 min/mile
Miles to Date: 960.3 Total Running Time: 117:43:04
Posted by
5:11 PM
Friday, June 27, 2008
Finally Friday
Day 295 - June 27, 2008
Not much to say - just a slow morning run.
Day: 295 Time/Date: 6:30 AM 6/27/2008 Weather: Partly Cloudy, 69F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 27:12 Pace: 7:33 min/mile
Miles to Date: 957.2 Total Running Time: 117:20:10
Posted by
7:29 AM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Drama aint all bad
Day 294 - June 26, 2008
One benefit to having a rough day or something on your mind is that the run gives you the perfect opportunity to play out different scenarios in your head. The thing I most like about that is that I forget about the run and the miles just tick away. Today I finished the run and could barely remember any of it. I guess all the drama yesterday had some benefit.
Day: 294 Time/Date: 6:30 AM 6/26/2008 Weather: Partly Cloudy, 67F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:12 Pace: 7:17 min/mile
Miles to Date: 953.6 Total Running Time: 116:52:58
Posted by
4:42 PM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Day 293 - June 25, 2008
Just a quick run since I slept too late to get in what I wanted to run today and still get to work on time. Today was another perfect weather morning. It was nice.
Day: 293 Time/Date: 7:15 AM 6/25/2008 Weather: Clear, 59F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:06 Pace: 7:03 min/mile
Miles to Date: 950 Total Running Time: 116:26:46
Posted by
9:57 AM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Perfect Morning
Day 292 - June 24, 2008
It was pretty easy to get outside this morning. The skies were crystal, clear blue and the sun was casting golden beams down between the trees. The humidity was seemed to be near zero. I stopped to stretch at the near end of Davis Road and was amazed at how quiet it was. The air was so still and all that could be heard was the occasional bird singing and of course the distant bellows of an angry cow, but almost no human noise anywhere. As a bonus, when I reached the far end of Davis, there were seven deer lazily grazing int he hay field. I stopped to watch them for a moment until they decided they had enough and trotted off. It was a very relaxing way to start what is sure to be another hectic day.
Day: 292 Time/Date: 6:40 AM 6/24/2008 Weather: Clear, 58F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:32 Pace: 7:22 min/mile
Miles to Date: 948 Total Running Time: 116:12:40
Posted by
9:16 AM
Monday, June 23, 2008
Before the Thunder Rolls
Day 291 - June 23, 2008
Was fortunate enough to get out early this morning and run before work - well it was almost a run. I was pretty tight for the first two miles and then was done. I didn't expect much after the longer run last night, but I'm glad I didn't wait for the thunderstorms to roll in this evening.
Day: 291 Time/Date: 7:05 AM 6/23/2008 Weather: Clear, 67F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:12 Pace: 7:36 min/mile
Miles to Date: 944.4 Total Running Time: 115:46:08
Posted by
5:24 PM
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Run through the woods
Day 290 - June 22, 2008
Yesterday was a great morning to run and the weather was great. I really enjoyed having the time to sleep in a bit then not have to rush out and get in my miles as quick as possible. I also enjoyed getting the run done in the morning so that I didn't have to try and fit the run in between thunderstorms.
Today, I waited until the evening to run. Because I was already out and about, I went over to Spring Hill and ran the back roads through the woods. The overhanging leaves and gravel surfaces brought a nice change from the asphalt and crowded houses that line my normal running routes. I'm going to try and make a point of going over there more often and take advantage of the lack of traffic and solitude that this route offers.
Day: 289 Time/Date: 8:30 AM 6/21/2008 Weather: Clear, 65F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:22 Pace: 7:19 min/mile
Miles to Date: 936.9 Total Running Time: 114:49:11
Day: 290 Time/Date: 7:15 PM 6/22/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 75F
Run: SH-Bridges Miles: 5.5 Time: 41:45 Pace: 7:35 min/mile
Miles to Date: 942.4 Total Running Time: 115:30:56
Posted by
9:13 PM
Friday, June 20, 2008
Sunny Morning
Day 288 - June 20, 2008
Finally got out of bed early enough to run before work. The payoff was a beautiful morning. There was just enough mist in the air that the sunbeams coming through the trees radiated down like tiny spots lights selectively lighting the ground below.
I still hate that it takes me at least a mile to warm-up. My first mile was 7:45, followed by 6:45 to finish. I guess I just need to run more miles to make that average pace come down.
Day: 288 Time/Date: 6:50 AM 6/20/2008 Weather: Clear, 53F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:37 Pace: 7:18 min/mile
Miles to Date: 933.3 Total Running Time: 114:22:49
Posted by
7:27 AM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Grammar lesson - gotta love the Google
Day 287 - June 19, 2008
I figured I wouldn't bore everyone (why stop now) with yesterdays 1 mile treadmill run. Somehow yesterday got away from me and it was 10 o'clock and I still hadn't run. Oh well. One mile is still farther (further?) than a lot of people ran yesterday.
Today was a little better, but having to mow the lawn first really took the energy out of my legs. I'm starting to feel a little better on the hills and by next week I'll have all that Florida flat land running out of my system.
Day: 286 Time/Date: 10:20 PM 6/18/2008 Weather: Indoor, 73F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 1.0 Time: 06:26 Pace: 6:26 min/mile
Miles to Date: 927.8 Total Running Time: 113:41:51
Day: 287 Time/Date: 8:10 PM 6/19/2008 Weather: Clear, 70F
Run: Geranium-Amicus Miles: 3.5 Time: 26:21 Pace: 7:32 min/mile
Miles to Date: 931.3 Total Running Time: 114:08:12
Posted by
9:52 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Quite the contrast
Day 285 - June 17, 2008
Today's weather could not have been prettier - low humidity, low 80's, light breeze. The damage from yesterday's storm was quite amazing. Today I ran through areas that looked like a tornado came through and snapped trees like Popsicle sticks. Fortunately, it looks like all the trees in our neighborhood missed power lines and houses and the damage from the hail was minimal.
Being back from FL, the hills (even the small ones) are slowing my pace. On the way out today I felt like I was running in slow motion. It was a little better on the way back, but I think that has more to do with the general downhill trend. Anyway, enough whining - I'll bounce back in a few days.
Day: 285 Time/Date: 6:20 PM 6/17/2008 Weather: Clear, 81F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:02 Pace: 7:14 min/mile
Miles to Date: 926.8 Total Running Time: 113:35:25
Posted by
9:17 PM
Monday, June 16, 2008
And the Thunder Rolls
Day 284 - June 16, 2008
Severe Thunderstorms rolled through today and I got out to survey the damage. With all the trees down and waiting to be cut up, I decided to only go 2 miles. Our house took some damage from the golf ball size hail that pelted the side of our house. I'm thankful it wasn't worse.
Day: 284 Time/Date: 6:30 PM 6/16/2008 Weather: Clear, 79F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:42 Pace: 7:51 min/mile
Miles to Date: 923.2 Total Running Time: 113:09:23
Posted by
9:38 PM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Return of the Hills
Day 283 - June 15, 2008
Back in VA, it was time to get back to running on hills. There was a lot to do after the 18 hour car ride home yesterday and not getting to bed until 3 am made it a tough day. I finally boxed out some time at 8:00 to get a two mile recovery run in. Basically I just wanted to stretch out the legs and get ready for the coming week.
It was good to be back home. Even with the temperature in the 80's, it felt cooler without the FL humidity and sun.
Vacations are usually very bad for me with respect to running. The streak kept me focused and I still managed to get out each day. The 25 miles I ran in Florida was a nice jump start to my summer running and a big leap from the 15 a week I've been doing. So, with less than 3 weeks to 300 days, I don't have any anticipated roadblocks.
Time/Date: 7:50 PM 6/15/2008 Weather: Clear, 82F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:30 Pace: 7:45 min/mile
Miles to Date: 921.2 Total Running Time: 112:53:41
Posted by
9:00 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Last Day in FL
Day 282 - June 14, 2008
Early morning run to keep the streak alive before the long drive back. It has been a great week - wish it was going to last longer.
Day: 282 Time/Date: 7:00 AM 6/14/2008 Weather: Clear, 72F
Run: Caloosa Creek Loop Miles: 2.1 Time: 15:18 Pace: 7:17 min/mile
Miles to Date: 919.2 Total Running Time: 112:38:11
Posted by
7:26 AM
Friday, June 13, 2008
South Florida is Hot
Day 281 - June 13, 2008
Somehow 81 felt a lot hotter today than yesterday. With today being the last full day in Florida, I decided to go longer than I have previously this week. I do like the flat roads here in Ft. Myers and I'm sure I will not enjoy the hills when I get back, bt it will be nice to return to some more normal temperatures. It has been a good week of running. I'll just have to run a short run before we pile back in the car tomorrow and the streak will have survived a week of vacation.
Day: 281 Time/Date: 9:00 AM 6/13/2008 Weather: Clear, 81F
Run: Iona Run Miles: 5.1 Time: 37:21 Pace: 7:19 min/mile
Miles to Date: 917.1 Total Running Time: 112:22:53
Posted by
10:34 AM
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Late Start
Day 280 - June 12, 2008
Slept in this morning - have to do that at leat once on vacation. But, that meant the temperature was a lot higher than yesterday. I'll use that as my excuse for running slow.
Day: 280 Time/Date: 9:10 AM 6/12/2008 Weather: Clear, 81F
Run: Ft Myers Miles: 3.6 Time: 28:10 Pace: 7:49 min/mile
Miles to Date: 912 Total Running Time: 111:45:32
Posted by
11:37 AM
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Early 5K
Day 279 - June 11, 2008
Got out a little early this morning to give more time for the hours of fun we have planned. A fat 5K with very little wind meant the pace was a little quicker despite not really ever loosening up.
Day: 279 Time/Date: 6:50 AM 6/11/2008 Weather: Clear, 71F
Run: JohnMorris-Summerlin Miles: 3.1 Time: 22:00 Pace: 7:06 min/mile
Miles to Date: 908.4 Total Running Time: 111:17:22
Posted by
7:27 AM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Before it gets hot and storms
Day 278 - June 10, 2008
Easy early morning run before a day of traveling and dolphin touring. My pace seems pretty consistent on these flat Florida roads.
Day: 278 Time/Date: 7:50 AM 6/10/2008 Weather: Clear, 74F
Run: Alien Loop Miles: 2.6 Time: 18:52 Pace: 7:15 min/mile
Miles to Date: 905.3 Total Running Time: 110:55:22
Posted by
9:13 AM
Monday, June 9, 2008
Running on Vacation
Day 277 - June 9, 2008
Internet access has been limited this week, but I wanted to give an update before anyone thinks I failed to continue the streak.
Thursday was a short run trying to recover from the limited sleep, but I managed 2 miles after work. I then got back up early on Friday and ran another 2 miles before work because we wanted to get an early start on our vacation driving.
We drove until about 1 am Friday night, found a hotel, and grabbed a few hours of sleep. The running clothes were buried deep in the trunk of the car so I had to hold off on the run until we reached our final detination. So after 18 hours of driving, we got to Ft. Myers and I immediately had to go out for a run. Yeah, that was fun.
Sunday was better. I slept until about 7:30 and made it out to run around 8 before it got too hot. The humidity here is pretty high, but the lack of hills compensates for that pretty well. On a side note, went on a kayak tour on Sunday afternoon - beautiful and sunny - that is until wee were almost a mile from the dock and the bay decided to lift into the sky and come down on our heads!!! We checked the radar on when we got went from nothing, to light green, to dark read in about 5 minutes. Our gear satyed pretty dry under the helm, but we were soaked - it was a blast. Amazing how much faster you can paddle when you think you are about to be capsized.
Today's run was ok - the sun was beating down pretty hard, but it was a good loop. Even the sorness from paddling yesterday wasn't that bad. I've identified a few loops I can do here - thanks - and I'll be trying to stretch out the distances I run. One day I'm going to run down to the beach, swim, and run back - should be fun.
Day: 273 Time/Date: 8:00 PM 6/5/2008 Weather: Clear, 84F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:22 Pace: 7:41 min/mile
Miles to Date: 891.6 Total Running Time: 109:15:34
Day: 274 Time/Date: 6:30 AM 6/6/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 73F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:32 Pace: 7:46 min/mile
Miles to Date: 893.6 Total Running Time: 109:31:06
Day: 275 Time/Date: 7:20 PM 6/7/2008 Weather: Clear, windy, 93F
Run: Caloosa Creek Loop Miles: 2.1 Time: 14:51 Pace: 7:04 min/mile
Miles to Date: 895.7 Total Running Time: 109:45:57
Day: 276 Time/Date: 8:10 AM 6/8/2008 Weather: Clear, 78F
Run: Caloosa Creek Loop Miles: 3.4 Time: 24:38 Pace: 7:15 min/mile
Miles to Date: 899.1 Total Running Time: 110:10:35
Day: 277 Time/Date: 8:10 AM 6/9/2008 Weather: Clear, 79F
Run: McGregor Loop Miles: 3.6 Time: 25:55 Pace: 7:12 min/mile
Miles to Date: 902.7 Total Running Time: 110:36:30
Posted by
9:02 AM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Flashbacks to what started this nonsense
Day 272 - June 4, 2008
I'm working on two straight nights of photographic sleeplessness. Needless to say, my running tonight was dog slow. I think it was this type of sleep deprived insanity that lead to me not running much in the summer last year. Ughhhh! I guess I should go back and watch the video.
Day: 272 Time/Date: 8:45 PM 6/4/2008 Weather: Cloudy, Humid, 70F
Run: TL 1.3 Miles: 1.3 Time: 10:32 Pace: 8:06 min/mile
Miles to Date: 889.6 Total Running Time: 109:00:12
Posted by
9:17 PM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Rain I wasn't expecting
Day 271 - June 3, 2008
Completely forgot that the misses had to go out this evening and I worked way too late. Got home with just enough time for a 2 miler - problem was it was pouring rain. Fortunately it didn't last long and the run wasn't too bad - slow, but not bad. I'm starting to think that Dahlia run is actually longer than 2 miles.
Day: 271 Time/Date: 6:40 PM 6/3/2008 Weather: Rain, 73F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:38 Pace: 7:49 min/mile
Miles to Date: 888.3 Total Running Time: 108:49:40
Posted by
7:42 PM
Monday, June 2, 2008
Easier than yesterday
Day 270 - June 2, 2008
Just another run on a warm evening. It was easier to get out and run just from thinking about yesterday's video.
Day: 270 Time/Date: 6:15 PM 6/2/2008 Weather: Clear, 85F
Run: Short Ncarnation-Davis Miles: 3.5 Time: 24:50 Pace: 7:06 min/mile
Miles to Date: 886.3 Total Running Time: 108:34:02
Posted by
9:27 PM
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Don't I feel small now
Day 269 - June 1, 2008
Yesterday, I barely squeaked in a run and today I was not motivated to run at all. I was laying on the couch, thinking of 100 excuses to just end the streak, wondering if anyone would really care if I failed to make even 300 days. Then, the wife calls me over to show me this video...the video is a result of a simple request from a son to his father...Dad, let's do an Ironman...Needless to say I got my lazy ass off the couch and ran three times as far as I was even considering. Hard to be a crybaby after watching that...make sure you watch the whole thing - it is worth it.
Day: 268 Time/Date: 4:30 PM 5/31/2008 Weather: Clear, 90F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:31 Pace: 7:15 min/mile
Miles to Date: 879.5 Total Running Time: 107:44:50
Day: 269 Time/Date: 8:00 PM 6/1/2008 Weather: Clear, 72F
Run: Davis Run Miles: 3.3 Time: 24:22 Pace: 7:23 min/mile
Miles to Date: 882.8 Total Running Time: 108:09:12
Posted by
9:20 PM
Friday, May 30, 2008
Barely time for one mile
Day 267 - May 30, 2008
I can't wait for June. This month got off to a great start, but due to circumstances beyond my control...I'm really lucky this streak is still going. I know one mile hardly seems worth counting, and 7 minutes isn't much, but it will keep me going another day. I look forward to a much better month (mileage wise) in June.
But, even with as hard as this week has been...I have to thank my kids for being amazing. They could have made things impossible on me and they really pulled through. Thanks M and S for being awesome.
Day: 267 Time/Date: 10:10 PM 8/30/2008 Weather: Indoors, 80F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 1.0 Time: 07:01 Pace: 7:01 min/mile
Miles to Date: 877.5 Total Running Time: 107:30:19
Posted by
10:48 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Finally back outside
Day 266 - May 29, 2008
Convinced the kids to go out to the track with me today so they could ride their bikes and I could get some miles in outdoors. Man that treadmill was getting old. One thing it has done is forced me to run faster than I had been. I was surprised by the pace I was runnng comfortably on the track and it was pretty consistent for all 6 laps.
Yesterday was another lame treadmill run of only a mile - I did run it sub 7 min/mile and followed it up with an hour of push mowing - but we all know that mowing the lawn is not "exercise" until someone makes a video of it.
Day: 265 Time/Date: 6:00 PM 5/28/2008 Weather: Indoors, 76F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 1.0 Time: 06:56 Pace: 6:56 min/mile
Miles to Date: 874 Total Running Time: 107:06:26
Day: 266 Time/Date: 7:00 PM 5/29/2008 Weather: Clear, 73F
Run: WM Track Miles: 2.5 Time: 16:52 Pace: 6:45 min/mile
Miles to Date: 876.5 Total Running Time: 107:23:18
Posted by
9:58 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Day 264 - May 27, 2008
But one day closer to the normal routine. The streak was very close to ending today...but anyone can run a mile no matter how tired and overwhelmed they are - right??? SIUCB - millions of people deal with worse everyday!!!!
Maybe I should get back on the treadmill?!?!
Day: 264 Time/Date: 8:45 PM 5/27/2008 Weather: Indoors, 76F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 1.0 Time: 07:06 Pace: 7:06 min/mile
Miles to Date: 873 Total Running Time: 106:59:30
Posted by
9:37 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
Time to turn on the AC
Day 263 - May 26, 2008
Another treadmill run. Fast than last night.
Day: 263 Time/Date: 8:00 PM 5/26/2008 Weather: Indoors, 82F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 2.0 Time: 13:47 Pace: 6:53 min/mile
Miles to Date: 872 Total Running Time: 106:52:24
Posted by
8:53 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Today I was ready to call it an end
Day 262 - May 25, 2008
Just another treadmill run to keep the streak alive. I really considered just letting it go today. I had the perfect excuse and no one would have really given me grief for it. But I figured once I took the day off, then I'd be back to where I was last summer and I decided to gut it out. I'm glad I did, but that darn excuse will be with me all week. We'll see how it goes.
Day: 262 Time/Date: 8:30 PM 5/25/2008 Weather: Indoors, 70F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:27 Pace: 7:13 min/mile
Miles to Date: 870 Total Running Time: 106:38:37
Posted by
9:33 PM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Dover Foxcroft 5K
Day 261 - May 24, 2008
IT was beautiful morning for a 5K and the 40 or so people who showed up were treated to a great 5K. The course was flat and fast and the volunteers did a great job keeping traffic safely aware of all the runners.
For me, the last week has been lousy for running, but I decided at the last minute to give it a shot. I felt really good at the start, but by 3/4 of a mile I was wondering why I felt so bad. I assumed it was due to the virus I've been fighting all week, but my mile split quickly told me the problem. what was I thinking going out in 6:04? I immediately backed off the pace and hoped I'd be able to hang on. It wasn't fun, but I made it. My time wasn't so bad either.
I'm looking forward to next year and running the race virus free. I think that could be one of the fastest 5Ks the area has to offer.
Day: 261 Time/Date: 8:00 AM 5/24/2008 Weather: Clear, 60F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 3.1 Time: 20:48 Pace: 6:43 min/mile
Miles to Date: 868 Total Running Time: 106:24:10
Posted by
5:30 PM
Another 2 miles
Day 260 - May 23, 2008
Just another 2 mile run as I hope to feel better soon.
Day: 260 Time/Date: 8:00 PM 5/23/2008 Weather: Clear, 70F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:44 Pace: 7:52 min/mile
Miles to Date: 864.9 Total Running Time: 106:03:22
Posted by
5:28 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
When will it end - the virus that won't go away
Day 259 - May 22, 2008
Great night to run - I just still feel crappy.
Day: 259 Time/Date: 7:50 PM 5/22/2008 Weather: Clear, 70F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:34 Pace: 7:17 min/mile
Miles to Date: 862.9 Total Running Time: 105:47:38
Posted by
8:34 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
No, I didn't die
Day 253 - 258 - May 21, 2008
I just felt like it. I've been sick and barely able to run, let alone post. So here it is, 6 for the price of one.
Day: 253 Time/Date: 8:00 PM 5/16/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 60F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 16:07 Pace: 8:03 min/mile
Miles to Date: 849.3 Total Running Time: 104:06:04
Day: 254 Time/Date: 8:00 AM 5/17/2008 Weather: Clear, 51F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:40 Pace: 7:24 min/mile
Miles to Date: 852.9 Total Running Time: 104:32:44
Day: 255 Time/Date: 5:00 PM 5/18/2008 Weather: Indoors, 70F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:44 Pace: 7:22 min/mile
Miles to Date: 854.9 Total Running Time: 104:47:28
Day: 256 Time/Date: 9:00 PM 5/19/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 60F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:13 Pace: 7:36 min/mile
Miles to Date: 856.9 Total Running Time: 105:02:41
Day: 257 Time/Date: 8:45 PM 5/20/2008 Weather: Indoors, 70F
Run: Treadmill Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:39 Pace: 7:19 min/mile
Miles to Date: 858.9 Total Running Time: 105:17:20
Day: 258 Time/Date: 9:00 PM 5/21/2008 Weather: Clear, 60F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:44 Pace: 7:52 min/mile
Miles to Date: 860.9 Total Running Time: 105:33:04
Posted by
9:43 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
My free 20 minutes today
Day 252 - May 15, 2008
Quick run after work in town tonight - just randomly ran in neighborhoods until I thought I had about 3 miles in. 3.3 works.
Day: 252 Time/Date: 5:15 PM 5/15/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 75F
Run: Avir 3.3 Miles: 3.3 Time: 23:07 Pace: 7:00 min/mile
Miles to Date: 847.3 Total Running Time: 103:50:58
Posted by
10:10 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Starting the second quarter of the journey
Day 251 - May 14, 2008
Not a lot of recovery time since last night's run, but still a decent run. Running in the morning is definitely better for being able to handle the rest of the day, but it is hard to get out of bed and immediately go out for a run. Hopefully I can start getting myself out of bed earlier and running in the AM more often.
Day: 251 Time/Date: 6:15 AM 5/14/2008 Weather: Clear, 43F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:32 Pace: 7:22 min/mile
Miles to Date: 844 Total Running Time: 103:27:51
Posted by
11:01 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
25% Complete
Day 250 - May 13, 2008
Its hard to believe it has been 250 days and 108,000 calories burned since I began this journey. I was asked today how many days I just wanted to skip running. Honestly It has been a lot less than I would have predicted. I guess less than 10. Not bad when you consider my historical average of about 50% days run.
It is also a good time to update my progress cross-country. 840 miles from San Diego puts me just shy of the Utah/Idaho border. Once I enter Idaho, I'll continue north and then turn East toward Yellowstone.
Day: 250 Time/Date: 9:30 PM 5/13/2008 Weather: Clear, 57F
Run: Geranium-Amicus Miles: 3.5 Time: 26:22 Pace: 7:32 min/mile
Miles to Date: 840.4 Total Running Time: 103:01:19
Posted by
10:14 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
What happened to Spring?
Day 249 - May 12, 2008
The high winds and lower temps really made it cold out on the run today. I never really loosened up. Hopefully, tomorrows milestone run will be better and I can enjoy reaching the end of the first 250 days.
Day: 249 Time/Date: 6:10 PM 5/12/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 53F
Run: Daffodil Geranium Loop Miles: 2.7 Time: 19:49 Pace: 7:20 min/mile
Miles to Date: 836.9 Total Running Time: 102:34:57
Posted by
8:46 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
SUICB - its just a little rain
Day 248 - May 11, 2008
Had to wait out a thunderstorm today which forced me to shorten the length of run I wanted to do today. I guess a real runner would have ignored the crashing lightning and run anyway, but I wussed out. That's the great thing about 1000 days - there's always tomorrow.
Day: 248 Time/Date: 6:20 PM 5/11/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 53F
Run: S Carnation-Davis Miles: 4.1 Time: 30:25 Pace: 7:25 min/mile
Miles to Date: 834.2 Total Running Time: 102:15:08
Posted by
9:12 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
in the mist
Day 247 - May 10, 2008
Just a quick early morning run.
Day: 247 Time/Date: 7:00 AM 5/10/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 57F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:58 Pace: 7:29 min/mile
Miles to Date: 830.1 Total Running Time: 101:44:43
Posted by
9:18 PM
Friday, May 9, 2008
Ignoring the watch
Day 246 - May 9, 2008
Just a relaxed run after a long day on the job and working in the yard.
Day: 246 Time/Date: 9:00 PM 5/9/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 63F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:23 Pace: 7:41 min/mile
Miles to Date: 828.1 Total Running Time: 101:29:45
Posted by
10:23 PM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Sometimes you catch a break
Day 245 - May 8, 2008
Somehow I managed to avoid all the rain today and my window of opportunity was dry. I was convinced when I couldn't get my sorry butt out of bed to run before work that I was destined to get poured on. But it didn't happen and I got a decent run in.
Day: 245 Time/Date: 5:30 PM 5/8/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 70F
Run: 4 Seasons Loop Miles: 4.0 Time: 28:45 Pace: 7:11 min/mile
Miles to Date: 826.1 Total Running Time: 101:14:22
Posted by
10:00 PM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
This was not yesterday
Day 244 - May 7, 2008
My legs were dead this morning -- I was just glad to be done. Otherwise a pretty nice morning for a run.
Day: 244 Time/Date: 6:30 AM 5/7/2008 Weather: Clear, 47F
Run: Amicus 2 mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 15:23 Pace: 7:41 min/mile
Miles to Date: 822.1 Total Running Time: 100:45:37
Posted by
11:20 AM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Weird coincidence
Day 243 - May 6, 2008
Hard to get out of bed this morning, but then it was hard to not go for a long run once I was on the road. Too bad there wasn't more time.
Day: 243 Time/Date: 6:20 AM 5/6/2008 Weather: Foggy, 47F
Run: Short Davis Miles: 2.4 Time: 17:15 Pace: 7:11 min/mile
Miles to Date: 820.1 Total Running Time: 100:30:14
Posted by
4:14 PM
Monday, May 5, 2008
2 Days for the price of one
Day 242 - May 5, 2008
Didn't have time to post yesterday, but I definitely ran. My hip was really bothering yesterday and I barely ran fast enough to count it as a run. Today was much better and I even pushed out my run from 3.5 to 4.1 miles. Hopefully that hip thing won't come back.
Day: 241 Time/Date: 7:30 AM 5/4/2008 Weather: Clear, 57F
Run: Dahlia Miles: 2.0 Time: 16:57 Pace: 8:28 min/mile
Miles to Date: 813.6 Total Running Time: 99:43:12
Day: 242 Time/Date: 6:05 PM 5/5/2008 Weather: Clear, 85F
Run: S Carnation-Davis Miles: 4.1 Time: 29:47 Pace: 7:16 min/mile
Miles to Date: 817.7 Total Running Time: 100:12:59
Posted by
7:11 PM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Worth getting up early on a Saturday
Day 240 - May 3, 2008
It was a perfect morning for running. I had just enough time to get 5 mile run in and it was worth the extra distance. If every morning was like today, I'd be buying lots of stock in running shoes and the country's obesity problem would be a thing if the past.
Day: 240 Time/Date: 7:25 AM 5/3/2008 Weather: Clear, 63F
Run: Beazly Miles: 5.1 Time: 38:15 Pace: 7:30 min/mile
Miles to Date: 811.6 Total Running Time: 99:26:15
Posted by
11:28 AM