Day 54 - October 30, 2007
Today it was officially cold. The ground was covered in a crisp layer of white frost that reflected the fog filtered moonlight creating a fantasy-like landscape to run through. I hate to be cold when I run, so even though 30 isn't that bad, I broke out the winter gear before heading out. The return to long pants, jacket, hat and gloves kept me comfortable and the run wasn't too bad this morning. In fact, I'd say I felt warmer than during yesterday afternoon's run.
For me to stay motivated through the cold months of winter, I'm going to need to stay comfortable on my runs. Not being bothered by the cold this morning is a good start.
Day: 54 ..... Time/Date: 6:15 AM 10/30/2007 ..... Weather: Fog, 30F
Run: Geranium-Amicus ..... Miles: 3.5 ..... Time: 26:21 ..... Pace: 7:32 min/mile
Miles to Date: 213.3 ..... Total Running Time: 26:33:00
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Jackets, and Hats, and Gloves, Oh My
Posted by
8:49 AM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Proof of Progress
Day 53 - October 29, 2007
The race on Saturday has apparently reminded my legs that running faster is more fun. Not feeling the need to run early this morning, I waited to run around the university after work and I chose the 6 mile run I had so many troubles with back in September.
Today was much better: no sudden urge to leave my lunch on JPA, no need to stop every mile and a half, and no pain in my teeth when I finished. Just a run that I can really appreciate. Even the final hill didn't seem all that bad. I think another couple of weeks and my conditioning will be back to where I was before the great running slump.
Consistency may have its rewards.
Day: 53..... Time/Date: 5:05PM 10/29/2007 .....Weather:Sunny, 55F
Run: OHill-5thSt..... Miles: 6.0 .....Time: 41:18..... Pace: 6:53 min/mile
Miles to Date: 209.8 .....Total Running Time: 26:06:39
Posted by
9:37 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Recovery run
Day 52 - October 28, 2007
Just an easy three and half miles to recover from yesterday's race. The soreness I felt early this morning was pretty much gone by the time I got out on the road. Racing yesterday made today's faster pace seem relatively easy, so I must have been running pretty well yesterday before the confusion.
My next goal is to raise my mileage and try to reach the 300 mile mark within 3 weeks. If the back doesn't flare up again, it should be doable.
Day: 52 .....Time/Date: 11:40 AM 10/28/2007 .....Weather: Sunny, Breezy, 55F
Run: N Carnation-Davis .....Miles: 3.6..... Time: 25:04..... Pace: 6:58 min/mile
Miles to Date: 203.8 .....Total Running Time: 25:25:21
Posted by
12:08 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Disqualified in a Fun Run
Day 51 - October 27, 2007
The Greene County Technical Center 5K went off as scheduled this morning despite the thick fog and standing water on the course. Water oozed up out of the ground at the starting line and the fog was so thick, you could not see across the length of the field. After a brief description of the course, along with hand drawn map, we were ready to begin. A quick lap around the soccer fields, up past the flag pole into the woods, back past the pavilion, into the woods again, across the road, enter the woods on the other side, back along the fields, down across the bridge, back past the pole for a third lap in the woods, past the pavilion again, around the soccer fields and finish on the far side - SIMPLE.
With a thunderous boom, the starting gun musket went off and I was on my way. Two young Greene County cross country runners jumped out to an early lead, and I settled into 4th place just behind Mr. G. As we rounded the soccer fields and headed to the flag pole, the young runners started to fade and Mr. G and I overtook them and left them behind as we raced through the woods. As the race progressed, Mr. G put some distance between us and for the final half of the race I was running by myself through the fog. I felt like I was running pretty well, and was pleasantly surprised at my 2 mile split - 13:35. I was way ahead of my sub seven pace prediction despite the conditions. Crossing the final field before the bridge, I expected to get a look at how big the lead Mr. G had accumulated, but the fog had settled in so thick that I could barely see 30 yards ahead. So with just under a mile to go, I settled into a pace that I was confident would get me to the finish in under my goal.
I started back up across the front of the soccer fields, headed for the flag pole to enter the third and final lap when the course "marshall" told me I was headed in the wrong direction. No I said, I need to run the third lap in the woods. But she insisted that it was only two laps in the woods. At this point I had come to a complete stop and was begging for help from anyone around. She insisted that I just go around the soccer field and finish - so I did. I crossed the finish in an amazing 17:30. Ok - I know - no way that is 5K.
After the race, the director came up to Mr. G and I and explained that he had told the "marshall" the wrong direction and we had gotten to the third lap so quickly that he was confused and sent us to the finish to soon. He talked to the third place runner, after the race, and both agreed that there was no way he would have caught us, even if we had run the entire course, and they decided to award unofficial first and second place trophies to Mr. G and me. I now have the second fastest time ever in the Greene County 4.2K.
To get in some extra miles, I did a long cool down of 1.7 miles. While I am disappointed I don't know my actual race time, I still got in a good speed workout. And hey, I went over Maybe now I'll start focusing on getting a little faster with my daily runs and preparing for the next race.
Day: 51 Time/Date: 7:45 AM 10/27/2007 Weather: Fog, 60F
Run: Greene County Park Miles: 4.6 Time: 32:20 Pace: 7:02 min/mile
Miles to Date: 200.2 Total Running Time: 25:00:17
Posted by
1:50 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
950 To Go
Day 50 - October 26, 2007
My journey has reached the 5% complete milestone. So far, I'm impressed with how easy it has been. Sure there have been a few days with aches and pains, and there have been a few days where getting the run in has come down to the last 3 hours of the day, but the temptation to take a day off has been pretty low. I even survived a weekend wedding trip to NYC and found time to get my runs in. I am starting to wonder why I ever settled for 4-5 days of running a week before.
I am very appreciative of the warm weather that I have had this fall. I know things will get tougher when the temperatures dip into the 20's and I have to go out at 5:30 am, but the deeper I get into this streak, the more motivated I will be to keep it going.
As the winter months creep in, I really need to look into getting some more reflective clothing. I imagine there will be fewer and fewer days where I am able to run when there is enough light to safely be seen. For now, I will continue running with my lightweight LED flashlight. It is very bright with 5 white LEDs and fits easily in the palm of my hand. I use it mostly for alerting oncoming vehicles, but occasionally to light up a dark section of roadway. I do not leave it on all the time. I find the swinging light to be a bit annoying and I'm not going to alter my stride to accommodate less arm swing.
Today's run was another good run despite the heavier rains. I pretty much just blocked it out after the first 50 meters or so and I'm not even sure when it stopped, but by the time I was halfway back, it was just a light mist. The back and hip felt pretty good again today while running. The extra stretching I've been doing lately seems to be doing the job. I think I will go ahead and give the 5K trail race a shot tomorrow. I'm certain I will run faster than I did at the Spring Hill 5K, but I doubt that I will break any PRs. In the last 5K I ran 7:11 pace. I'd really like to average 6:50's tomorrow, but I think I'll be more realistic and shoot for sub 7's. So the goal is 21:39. I expect that the footing might be a bit slick after all this rain and I'm not going to get crazy about my predictions. But I do expect significant improvement with 41 extra days of training. Check back tomorrow to see how I've done.
Day: 50..... Time/Date: 8:20AM 10/26/2007 .....Weather: Rain, 55F
Run: N Carnation-Davis .....Miles: 3.6 .....Time: 26:31 .....Pace: 7:22 min/mile
Miles to Date: 195.6 .....Total Running Time: 24:27:57
Posted by
9:45 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Running in the Mist
Day 49 - October 25, 2007
Tonight was another one of those runs where everything just felt great. The miles clicked away effortlessly and not even a cold and dark misty night could dampen my running bliss. The back and hip felt much better tonight as well. I'm hoping that means I'll be ok for Saturday's race.
The roads were dead quiet tonight - I met one walker, one deer, and I was 42 minutes into the run before I met my first car. It was great to have the roads to myself.
Day: 49 Time/Date: 8:20 PM 10/25/2007 Weather: Mist, 51F
Run: Random Miles Miles: 6.7 Time: 50:12 Pace: 7:30 min/mile
Miles to Date: 192 Total Running Time: 24:01:26
Posted by
10:47 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Taking it easy
Day 48 - October 24, 2007
Today was another delicate balance between hitting my stride and the lower back and hip pain. Fortunately, within a mile or so, I had loosened up enough and it wasn't too bad.
The clouds this morning made it seem especially dark. At times it was almost like running on a treadmill in the dark. Quite different from last night's run under clear skies and a nearly full moon. Running in the dark this morning will be worth it if the forecast of heavy rains turns out to be accurate for this afternoon. We'll see.
Day: 48 .....Time/Date: 5:45AM 10/24/2007 .....Weather:Cloudy, 71F
Run: N Carnation-Davis..... Miles: 3.6 .....Time: 27:18 .....Pace: 7:35 min/mile
Miles to Date: 185.3 .....Total Running Time: 23:11:14
Posted by
6:19 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Well that was better
Day 47 - October 23, 2007
Yesterday I mentioned having some sciatic pain. Well, you may have guessed from my overall pace that it was more than some pain. In fact, a few times it felt like a root canal in my hip. I've only ever had this happen one other time. In that instance, I was running down Alderman past the stadium and my hip completely locked up. The pain was so sharp that my leg would not come all the way forward. That is a tough thing to realize mid stride. It looks pretty comical to try and get your trail leg back in under you before your face hits the pavement. Fortunately, with some stretching, I was able to at least limp back to finish the run.
Yesterday, wasn't quite that bad, but close. I really had to go slow on the down hills and keep my stride short. The pain would come and go, as long as I was careful with my stride length.
I was a bit nervous about tonight's run and the prospect of the pain returning. I decided to run short loops and never get more than half a mile from the house. I also decided to back off the mileage for a few days and let the inflammation calm itself. There was very little sharp pain tonight, just the occasional reminder that I had "bruised" it pretty good the day before. I'll still take it easier tomorrow. Hopefully it will be OK for Saturday's race.
Day: 47 .....Time/Date: 7:45 PM 10/23/2007 .....Weather: Clear, 73F
Run: Carnation Loops .....Miles: 2.6 .....Time: 19:42..... Pace: 7:35 min/mile
Miles to Date: 181.7 .....Total Running Time: 22:43:56
Posted by
10:04 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Some advice
Day 46 – October 22, 2007 It was hard to decide what to write about today. Should I complain about the sudden flare up of my sciatic nerve or offer some safety advice to keep someone else from becoming a statistic? Hmmm. Well, since the sciatic problem will probably be here for a few days, I guess I'll go with the safety warning. NEVER ASSUME A VEHICLE MAKING A RIGHT HAND TURN WILL LOOK TO THE RIGHT BEFORE PULLING INTO THE STREET If you run like I do, facing traffic, this can be a serious concern. Normally, on the back roads that I run on, when I see someone ahead of me looking to turn right, I quickly cross over to the right side of the road and put as much distance between me and their front tires. But this morning, there was traffic coming from behind, and I decided against it. I watched the minivan come to a stop at the intersection, and I waited to see if they made a quick turn or if they were going to wait for me to cross in front. When they hesitated at the stop sign, I assumed they had seen me and were waiting…WRONG! Just as I entered the intersection, a good 4-5 feet in front of the car, the engine roared as foot hit accelerator. I thought I was done. The van lurched forward and just in time, the passenger alerted the driver and they slammed on the brake. The front bumper stopped about 8 inches short of hitting me. The hood ornament was sighted in perfectly on my chest. I'm thankful for that passenger because when I heard the engine rev, I instinctively turned and saw the driver through the windshield still looking back to their left to watch for oncoming cars. The driver never would have seen me before the thud. I was lucky. I knew better than to cross in front, but they had stopped far enough back from the sign and waited long enough that I was sure they had seen me. I will not be making that mistake again. It will be really hard to log my run from the undercarriage of a vehicle. This is not the first time I've seen this happen. On at least two occasions, I've had cars roll through stop signs, looking back to the left, and never seen me in the cross walk until I slapped their hoods. I'm really sensitive to it now and I guess that is why this morning was such a surprise. Every indication from this driver was that she had seen me. From now on, I'll make sure I get a wave or a nod before I pass in front. So, when you are out running, watch out for those cars looking back the other way. And if you are out driving, please remember to look right before pulling out into the intersection. It may not be a runner who should be paying attention that you gun down – it could be a school kid crossing the street. Chris
Run: 5 Hill 4.4 .....Miles: 4.4..... Time: 36:45 .....Pace: 8:21 min/mile
Miles to Date: 179.1 .....Total Running Time: 22:24:14
Posted by
4:13 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
A spoiled run
Day 45 - October 21, 2007
Today was another amazing fall day. One of those rare days when there is absolutely zero pollution or humidity to degrade visibility. One of those days when you feel like you could count every leaf on a tree half way up the mountain. There was a cool fall breeze that released a continuous shower of color that rained down on the once verdant landscape. Each quiet stream crossing brought a kaleidoscope of color reflected in the mirror like surface. Days like today, I feel very fortunate to have the ability to get out and enjoy them.
And it is days like today that make me wonder how people can be so thoughtless and disgusting. I've grown accustom to seeing the random drink bottle or fast food meal bag littering the ditches along every road in the area. But today, there were not one, but two full kitchen sized garbage bags - one on the side of the road, and one right in the middle of traffic. I will never understand the selfish attitude that some use to justify their actions. I feel sorry for people, so inconsiderate that they can not appreciate the beauty around them. For you to be so sad that dumping trash on the roads that you travel everyday, has no affect on you, is pitiful.
Maybe if these same people, got outside and slowed down for 20 minutes a day, they could appreciate how beautiful this area is. Maybe they need a running streak or a walking streak. Maybe then, they'd realize how foul it is to mindlessly toss out their trash. I guess though that laziness rules these people's lives.
Day: 45 .....Time/Date: 12:15 PM 10/21/2007 .....Weather: Sunny, Breezy, 72F
Run: Amicus - Celt .....Miles: 7.5..... Time: 55:06 .....Pace: 7:21 min/mile
Miles to Date: 174.7 .....Total Running Time: 21:47:29
Posted by
1:44 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Fall has arrived
Day 44 - October 20, 2007
Yesterday's rain really brought out the colors in the leaves. Lots of reds and yellows were really popping in the early morning light. The cooler temperatures really made it feel like fall today.
I was pretty slow getting started, but by the end I had increased my pace considerably, running the last mile in sub 7's. Good to know that I can still turn it over when I want to. I'll be running another 5k soon and I hope to keep bringing my time back down to where it should be.
Day: 44 Time/Date: 7:45AM 10/20/2007 Weather:Sunny, 55F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:31 Pace: 7:22 min/mile
Miles to Date: 167.2 Total Running Time: 20:52:23
Posted by
8:36 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Half Mile of Wackiness
Day 43 – October 19, 2007
Bizarre – That’s the only way to describe the last half mile of today’s run. The morning started like most lately. I refused to acknowledge the alarm clock’s nine minute reminder and was perfectly happy to deny the accuracy of the time it was shouting at me. Eventually though, I roll out of bed, took the dog out, and got my running gear together. The light mist that was falling was welcome and I was actually looking forward to running in the rain for some weird reason. Maybe it was to prove to myself that a little weather would not put an end to the streak. I know a lot of people hate running in the rain, but that’s not an excuse I’m ready to use yet.
So I did my normal dance of dodging potholes and cars as the cloudy skies held onto the darkness in fear that the rising sun might chase away the much needed rain showers. I was really slow and could not get loose this morning, but I enjoyed the spray of mist as I plodded along. As I entered the last half mile and started cruising down the hill, my thoughts drifted to the finish and the rush that would be required to get the kids out the door and onto the bus in the next 10 minutes. Completely lost in the upcoming reality, a voice boomed out – “What’s the capitol of Ohio”? What??? Did a trivia troll move into the neighborhood? Was this some challenge I must fulfill in order to end my run? Well, actually it was just a kid arguing with his brother. I gladly settled the dispute – “Columbus” and got back into my slow but steady pace.
As I crested the final hill, I noticed the front door of the house on my left was wide open. The bright light inside caught my attention just in time to see two boys running back and forth at warp speed, screaming like banshees as their mother tried to corral them and get them ready for school. I couldn’t help but laugh, ya know cause they weren’t my kids, and immediately made me appreciative of my morning hating children. I may have to remind them to get dressed, brush their teeth, and go to the bathroom every morning, but that’s way better than the Flubber boys racing around that house.
The wackiness of that last half mile put a smile on my face and made the morning rush enjoyable. Thank you Trivia Troll and Flubber Boys.
Day: 43 Time/Date: 6:50AM 10/19/2007 Weather: Light Rain, 68F
Run: Geranium-Amicus Miles: 3.5 Time: 27:25 Pace: 7:50min/mile
Miles to Date: 163.6 Total Running Time: 20:25:22
Posted by
7:22 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Every Once in Awhile
Day 42 - October 18, 2007
Every once in awhile, I have to force myself to take the time I need to get caught up. That was this morning. I rearranged my early schedule and took the morning to finish some projects I was severely procrastinating. When I was finished, I felt a heavy burden lifted. The reward was a relaxing run in the middle of the morning, with no hurried expectation to cut it short.
Some days putting off the run until the end of the day can feel the same way. The longer I wait to run, the heavier the burden becomes and my stress level rises. By the time I force myself out the door, I don't even enjoy it. I imagine this is why a lot of people give up on running and exercise programs. I'm going to try to break the procrastination cycle and enjoy the time I have to myself - even if I am forced to dodge cars and potholes in the dark.
Day: 42 .....Time/Date: 10:30 AM 10/18/2007 .....Weather: Partly Cloudy, 70F
Run: Pea Ridge..... Miles: 5.8..... Time: 40:47 .....Pace: 7:02 min/mile
Miles to Date: 160.1 .....Total Running Time: 19:58:27
Posted by
11:28 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I really should follow my own advice
Day 41 - October 17, 2007
Wasn't it just yesterday that I mentioned how much easier it would be to just run in the morning? Thank goodness I have a 24 hour window to make it up. Maybe tomorrow will be the day I get out early.
Day: 41..... Time/Date: 9:45 PM 10/17/2007 .....Weather: Sunny, 44F
Run: TL-2.5 .....Miles: 2.5 .....Time: 18:20..... Pace: 7:20 min/mile
Miles to Date: 154.3 .....Total Running Time: 19:17:40
Posted by
10:47 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Random Miles
Day 40 - October 16, 2007
First, I should celebrate a little...40 days. 40 is a very important number. Almost all biblical challenges lasted 40 days....rains fell for 40 days, Moses went up the mountain for 40 days, Jesus was tempted in the desert for 40 days. So 40 straight days is no small feat. So, for one small minute I'll pat myself on the back....there ... done.
I know that the day would go a lot smoother if I could force myself out the door to run early in the dark. But it is really hard to run before the sun comes up when you know it is going to be 70 and sunny at 5 o'clock. So again today, I put off the run until after work. The down side of course is that lots of things come up that inevitably shorten the run. Work too late, eat too much/not enough, dehydration, and every other excuse will cause you to cut your run short. I've yet to run farther in the evening because everything came together perfectly and I had more time than I expected.
So today, after working through lunch, I made an unexpected stop at the grocery store. But before driving home, I dumped the groceries in the car, and set out for a quick run. It was good to run in an area I don't normally visit and it gave me a chance to explore some side roads I've not been on before. Of course that meant I did a lot of back tracking when roads that I thought connected somewhere farther down suddenly came to a dead end. But, the ever faithful gmap-pedometer was there to total up the miles and I managed a pretty good run.
So like Noah, I've survived the rains, and in another 40 days, I can open up the window and enjoy the view.
Day: 40 .....Time/Date: 5:30 PM 10/16/2007..... Weather: Clear, 74F
Run: Random Miles .....Miles: 5.4 .....Time: 37:59 .....Pace: 7:02 min/mile
Miles to Date: 151.8 .....Total Running Time: 18:59:20
Posted by
7:13 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Another Busy Day
Day 39 - October 15, 2007
The best of plans can go awry. I wanted to get out and run much earlier today, but I felt lousy this morning. So the longer run I had planned for today will have to wait for another day. Two miles and another notch on the post - what else can I say.
I've heard that it can be beneficial to back off your weekly mileage every few weeks and maybe this is my body's way of telling me that. So, I'll listen for now, and hopefully get back on pace next week. That will be my excuse anyway.
Day: 39 .....Time/Date: 7:15AM 10/15/2007 .....Weather:Clear, 42F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile .....Miles: 2.0 .....Time: 14:43 .....Pace: 7:22min/mile
Miles to Date: 146.4 .....Total Running Time: 18:21:21
Posted by
9:46 AM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
A Day of Unintended Consequences
Day 38 - October 14, 2007
Today was the closest I've come to letting the streak slide. Knowing the schedule for the day, I should have gotten up pre-dawn and knocked out the miles. But...I didn't. My lunch meeting went later than planned, which screwed up my afternoon window, and an unexpected invitation closed the door on an early evening run. If it were not for this challenge, there is no way I would have gone out and run, let alone three and a half miles. But the thought of having to tell the world I failed less than 6 weeks into this was just the motivation I needed to lace up the Asics.
So, thank you running world for getting me out the door tonight.
Day: 38 Time/Date: 9:45PM 10/14/2007 Weather: Clear, 50F
Run: Geranium-Amicus Miles: 3.5 Time: 26:38 Pace: 7:37min/mile
Miles to Date: 144.4 Total Running Time: 18:06:38
Posted by
10:40 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Recovery Day
Day 37 - October 13, 2007
Just a quick run around the neighborhood to rest my legs a bit. It was refreshing to run in the early morning chill.
Day: 37 .....Time/Date: 7:15 AM 10/13/2007 .....Weather: Sunny, 44F
Run: TL-2.8..... Miles: 2.8 .....Time: 20:54 .....Pace: 7:28 min/mile
Miles to Date: 140.9 .....Total Running Time: 17:40:00
Posted by
8:47 AM
Friday, October 12, 2007
Lazy Friday Afternoon
Day 36 - October 12, 2007
Blowing off work early on a Friday afternoon is a great thing. At 2:30 today I had enough and decided to throw on the running clothes and enjoy a fine fall day. I convinced my old running partner he should take the afternoon off as well and we set out for a quick run around the university. The temperature was perfect and it was great to not feel the normal rush of trying to squeeze a run in between work and dinner or rolling out of bed at o-dark thirty to finish before work.
I'm definitely getting stronger - the climb up O-Hill was bearable today. To get a better measure of my progress, I timed myself from the corner to the top - 4:15. That's one slow half mile. But the ~160 feet of elevation gain probably has something to do with that - I wonder how long it typically takes to run to the top of a 16 story building?
Day: 36 .....Time/Date: 2:45PM 10/12/2007 .....Weather: Partly cloudy, 66F
Run: OHill-Lewis Mtn .....Miles: 3.9 ....Time: 27:48..... Pace: 7:08 min/mile
Miles to Date: 138.1 .....Total Running Time: 17:19:06
Posted by
6:03 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Fall blew in from the north today
Day 35 - October 11, 2007
Last night's cold front left summer behind and brought fall to Central Virginia with full force. The air had a definite crispness to it today and the wind was whipping up mini-leaf tornadoes. The change was good for me, and really had me jazzed for today's longer run.
Today was also the first time I've run with a friend since I've come out of my running funk. We used to run together everyday, but I abandoned that plan when I went all lazy. He continued, and is probably faster now than he's ever been. Fortunately, he was tired from a speed workout yesterday and I was able to hang. It was good for my confidence. Seven miles is the longest run I've done since June. Being able to run it in low 7's was the icing on the cake.
Five weeks complete, and I'm feeling really good about my running. I've worked up to 30 miles a week, and I'm getting close to my normal running pace. Best of all, no injuries, no soreness, no complaints. 965 doesn't sound too intimidating.
Day: 35..... Time/Date: 4:45PM 10/11/2007 .....Weather: Partly cloudy, windy, 63F
Run: OHill-3 Loops .....Miles: 7.1 .....Time: 50:51..... Pace: 7:10 min/mile
Miles to Date: 134.2..... Total Running Time: 16:51:18
Posted by
9:01 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Morning 2
Day 34 - October 10, 2007
Not much to say about this morning's run. Just an easier day to rest the legs a bit. The temperature was very comfortable this morning despite only being 5 degrees cooler than yesterday and was a nice break from the humidity of the last week. Tomorrow should be a longer run with plenty to complain write about.
Day: 34..... Time/Date: 6:45AM 10/10/2007 .....Weather:Clear, 67F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile..... Miles: 2.0 .....Time: 14:42..... Pace: 7:21min/mile
Miles to Date: 127.1 .....Total Running Time: 16:00:27
Posted by
9:07 AM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Enveloped by darkness
Day 33 - October 9, 2007
Choosing to sleep longer this morning, I took my running gear to work with me thinking I'd get in a late afternoon run around the university. But since it was 90 degrees at 5:00 and I didn't have any water with me, I chose to delay the run until after I got home.
After a short rain shower lowered the air temperature, I set out for a quick run as the sun set behind the western mountains. Dusk seems to turn to darkness much faster than dawn turns to daylight. Within minutes, I was enveloped by darkness, and the world around me disappeared. I generally don't like running in the dark, twisted ankles and dodging cars is not why I do this, but tonight it was nice to be alone with my thoughts.
Day: 33..... Time/Date: 6:45PM 10/09/2007 .....Weather: Cloudy 72F
Run: Beazely..... Miles: 5.1 .....Time: 38:34 .....Pace: 7:34 min/mile
Miles to Date: 125.1 .....Total Running Time: 15:45:45
Posted by
9:40 PM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Not Like Friday
Day 32 – October 8, 2007 Not every run can be perfect and today was proof. If you remember back to Friday's post, the miles just clicked away effortlessly on the same route I chose for today. I was ready for a nice comfortable short run, and those memories inspired me to get out the door. And that's where it ended. Somehow in the night, my arms became attached to a load of invisible bricks. Even my flashlight felt heavy. Every step was a struggle to maintain pace, which wasn't very fast in the first place. Oh well – the bright side of a bad run is that the next run should be better. Bring on Day 33. Chris
Day: 32 .....Time/Date: 6:40AM 10/08/2007..... Weather:Clear, 62F
Run: N Carnation-Davis .....Miles: 3.6 .....Time: 28:51..... Pace: 8:01 min/mile
Miles to Date: 120.0 .....Total Running Time: 15:07:11
Posted by
9:54 AM
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Base Building
Day 31 - October 7, 2007
When training for a race, or building a running program, it is important to establish a solid base. The old cliche of the pyramid works well for this. The goal of the base building phase is to build your strength and endurance while minimizing the risk of injury. For a season of high school cross country, my coach wanted 300 miles of base running before the first day of camp. In college it was closer to 500 miles. I'd like to get at least 150 miles in before I think about running fast again. That doesn't mean I won't run a 5K here or there, but the expectations in those races will be much lower.
So, for the first 6-8 weeks, I intend to slowly bring my weekly mileage up to training levels, then start pushing to get faster. For now, my goal on most runs is to just keep moving. I know this will cause me to fall behind on my projection of 4400 miles in 1000 days, but I will keep the streak going injury free, and make up those miles in the months to come.
Day: 31 Time/Date: 12:00PM 10/07/2007 Weather: Clear 82F
Run: Beazely Miles: 5.1 Time: 38:38 Pace: 7:35 min/mile
Miles to Date: 116.4 Total Running Time: 14:38:20
Posted by
1:27 PM
Saturday, October 6, 2007
30 Days to Cucamonga
A milestone! One month, 111 miles, and 18 seconds shy of 14 hours worth of running.
If you remember back to one of my earliest posts, I am plotting a fictional run across country to spice up the monotony of 1000 consecutive days, and I figure it is about time for the first update. Starting in San Diego, I have worked my way north along the 15 - cause that's what they say in California - and am just east of LA - in fact, I'm a stones throw from Cucamonga at the intersection of the historic Route 66. Hello Cucamonga - I like that word - can you tell.
I think I will continue along the 15 and head for Vegas. I hope you follow my journey though the desert, and hopefully, I'll come out in the bright lights of Sin City sometime before the first of the year.
Day: 30 .....Time/Date: 5:00PM 10/06/2007..... Weather: Clear, humid, 80FRun: SpringHill/FraysMill .....Miles: 4.2 .....Time: 30:40..... Pace: 7:18 min/mile
Miles to Date: 111.3 .....Total Running Time: 13:59:42
Posted by
7:17 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
Dinner can wait
Day 29 - October 5, 2007
Having dinner ready after a busy day of work is really nice, but it really messes with the late day running. Fortunately, the wife was willing to keep it warm while I went out to run, because there was no way I was passing up a perfect run at dusk in lieu of a death defying run in the dark.
Tonight was one of those rare daysnwhen everything comes together and the miles just click away effortlessly. Maybe it was triggered by the cotton candy sunset sky, the perfect temperature, or the relief of a week ending, but the harder I ran, the better I felt. Even the tire squealing, ditch hugging cars couldn't disturb the euphoria of my perfect run.
Days like today don't happen often - hopefully there will be many more over the coming months. Hope your run was as enjoyable as mine.
Day: 29 .....Time/Date: 6:60PM 10/05/2007 .....Weather:Partly Cloudy, 75F
Run: N Carnation-Davis..... Miles: 3.6 .....Time: 26:33 .....Pace: 7:23 min/mile
Miles to Date: 107.1..... Total Running Time: 13:29:02
Posted by
8:35 PM
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Four Weeks and 100 miles
Day 28 - October 4, 2007
It was pretty warm out there today for October. I refuse to complain about it because I'd much rather be 30 degrees above ideal than 30 below. Running when your nose hairs freeze is not my idea of fun. I'm going to enjoy the above average temperatures for as long as I can.
Day: 28 .....Time/Date: 4:50PM 10/04/2007 .....Weather: Clear 84F
Run: Beazely..... Miles: 5.1 .....Time: 39:08..... Pace: 7:40 min/mile
Miles to Date: 103.5 .....Total Running Time: 13:02:29
Posted by
6:20 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Sqeezing it in
Day 27 - October 3, 2007
I was beginning to wonder if today was the day it all would end. No matter what I tried, something was preventing me from getting out today. I woke up and my legs said, in the NY accent they apparently picked up in Brooklyn, "fo-getta 'bout it" - there was no way they were having any part of a morning run after that late afternoon run up OHill yesterday. So I went to work early thinking I would get out around 4:30 and cruise through the university again. Well, when I finally left the lab at 5:40, I thought maybe I'd get out sometime after my Wed night volunteering. But then I got a break - through a scheduling snafu, I was suddenly free for the evening and got out just before 8:30. The streak continues.
It was cool to run with the Big Dipper tonight. Huge in the north sky, the great bear followed me around the neighborhood. I tired to keep the flashlight off as much as possible and enjoy the starry night, but I was glad I had it when a car would come by. Getting smashed by an SUV would surely make it more difficult to run tomorrow.
Day: 27 .....Time/Date: 8:20PM 10/03/2007 .....Weather: Clear, 69F
Run: Geranium-Amicus..... Miles: 3.5 .....Time: 25:47 .....Pace: 7:22min/mile
Miles to Date: 98.4..... Total Running Time: 12:23:21
Posted by
10:08 PM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
A Better Afternoon Run
Today I was smarter. Knowing I needed to run after work today, I went easy on lunch and ate it early to give me plenty of time to digest. A little planning paid big dividends. It was absolutely beautiful out there this afternoon - warm sunny skies and almost no humidity. Running up over OHill, the smell of freshly fallen leaves filled every breath I took in. It reminded me of running with the cross country team through the streets of my hometown, kicking up piles of crimson maple leaves and being entranced by the rhythmic crunching. I miss those days of running with friends for the fun of it - the freedom of running without a care in the world. Those thoughts kept me going as I meandered through the University area.

As I turned onto McCormack for my last assault on OHill, some young college dude went blowing by me. I was impressed with his zeal to attack the hill, and of course, challenged by someone attempting to "race" me to the top. When we got to the Y, he probably had 10 or 15 steps on me. Being the jackass that I am, I refused to let him beat me back to the lab. With every stride I tried to close the gap, and by the time I hit the final gate, we were stride for stride. He looked relieved when I broke pace and wandered over to my car. Probably more so that he wouldn't have to listen to my ridiculously labored breathing, but all the same, I'll pretend that he knew he was beaten.
Day: 26 .....Time/Date: 5:10PM 10/02/2007 .....Weather: Clear, 75F
Run: OHill-Hospital .....Miles: 5.1 .....Time: 37:22 .....Pace: 7:20 min/mile
Miles to Date: 94.9..... Total Running Time: 11:57:34
Posted by
7:57 PM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Short and Fast
Day 25 - October 1, 2007
The first day back from a vacation is always busy and today was no exception, but I found a few minutes before dinner to go out and run a fast 2 miles. Right off the bat I found myself breathing harder than I should have been and I tried to get that back under control. At the turn around point, I quickly checked my watch and saw that I had gone out in 7:22. On the way back in, my mind wandered, and before I knew it, I was running at near race pace. The final mile clocked in at 6:32 - perfect for a short run and busy day.
975 days to go,
Day: 25 .....Time/Date: 6:50PM 10/01/2007 .....Weather:Clear, 66F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile..... Miles: 2.0 ......Time: 13:54 .....Pace: 6:57min/mile
Miles to Date: 89.8 ......Total Running Time: 11:20:12
Posted by
7:20 PM