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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Running in the falling snow

Well, it was sort of snow, sort of rain, but it was mostly white and falling from the sky. I had no idea what my legs were going to be up for after the last three days, so I decided I would just run Random loops around the neighborhood until I was ready to quit. With the weather getting nasty, I didn't want to be 5 miles out and have to walk back, so this seemed like a good plan.

It turned out to be one of the best runs I've done in a long time. I ran pretty slow, so I never really got tired and I ran until it go dark. I ended up running just shy of 9 miles. I think I'm going to take this approach more often. I tend to lock into what route I'm going to do before I start out each day. A lot of times, that means I pick shorter routes because I don't feel great until I've been out and running for at least a couple of miles. If I had done that today, I would have run three or four and been done.

So, I'm off to a good start in March - hopefully the snow won't be too deep tomorrow and I can get another good run in.

Day 60
Distance - 8.9 miles (225 YTD)
Time - 1:12:44 (28:55:46 YTD)

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