Day 147 - January 31, 2008
Since the day got away from me with unexpected things to do, I'm just happy I got out to run. I finally picked up some new shoes and I could really feel the difference in my feet. The last shoes held up really well and I managed to get over 500 miles out of them. Not bad for the cheap shoe from Aisics.
Day: 147 Time/Date: 8:30 PM 1/31/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 35F
Run: Daffodil Geranium Loop Miles: 2.7 Time: 20:15 Pace: 7:30 min/mile
Miles to Date: 542.6 Total Running Time: 66:27:48
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Blogger may be down before I run
Posted by
4:16 PM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
It didn't happen
Day 146 - January 30, 2008
Sleeping through your alarm for over an hour is not conducive to running far. How's that for words of wisdom?
Day: 146 Time/Date: 5:15 AM 1/30/2008 Weather: Cloudy, windy, 47F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:52 Pace: 7:26 min/mile
Miles to Date: 539.9 Total Running Time: 66:07:33
Posted by
5:44 AM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
60 days till the big test
Day 145 - January 29, 2008
My run today didn't happen until after a yummy dinner of too much Chick-Fil-A. Needless to say, I ran what I had to and kept the streak alive for another day. Tomorrow will be a really early morning run, so we'll see if I can get many miles in. The 10 miler is sneaking up on me and I'm not building my endurance. I better start soon or it will be an ugly race 2 months from today.
Day: 145 Time/Date: 7:40 PM 1/29/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 51
Run: Amicus 2 Mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:04 Pace: 7:02 min/mile
Miles to Date: 537.9 Total Running Time: 65:52:41
Posted by
8:15 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
It's got to be the shoes
Day 144 - January 28, 2008
How else can you explain how slowly I am running these days?
Day: 144 Time/Date: 5:55 AM 1/28/2008 Weather: Clear, 28F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 27:38 Pace: 7:41 min/mile
Miles to Date: 535.9 Total Running Time: 65:38:37
Posted by
6:42 AM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Knowing when to say when
Day 143 - January 27, 2008
The long run is turning into my white whale. I had every intention of running 10 miles today, but 2 miles into it, I knew it was not to be. Some days you just know that it is better to cut it short than to push too hard and get hurt. So I took the first turn around and decided it will be better to run again tomorrow.
I really need a new pair of shoes. I've pushed this current pair to around 500 miles and the cushioning is shot. I'll have to replace them this week.
Day: 143 Time/Date: 3:40 PM 1/27/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 40F
Run: Beazely Miles: 5.1 Time: 37:57 Pace: 7:26 min/mile
Miles to Date: 532.3 Total Running Time: 65:10:59
Posted by
7:19 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Enough to make it count
Day 142 - January 26, 2008
Nothing exciting to report about my gray day run. Just a quick loop around the neighborhood. I felt really slow, but my pace was not too bad. Just one of those days.
Day: 142 Time/Date: 4:30 pm 1/26/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 34F
Run: 3.4 Loop Miles: 3.4 Time: 24:52 Pace: 7:19min/mile
Miles to Date: 527.2 Total Running Time: 64:33:02
Posted by
5:44 PM
Friday, January 25, 2008
Today I announce my candidacy for President of the United States
Day 141 - January 25, 2008
Ok - well officially I just turn 35 - but that title does have a nice ring to it. I celebrated this morning by heading out on one of my favorite runs to the end of Davis Road. It was a bit chilly, downright painful on the face and hands, but I still enjoyed watching the sky light up with a warm orange glow. I really wish I had taken my camera with me today. There was a really cool shot of two cows standing next to the fence along the road, under a tree, silhouetted against the warm glow of the horizon. It would have been really nice.
Today I also started the 21st week of my 1000 days of running. I have to remind myself many times that while 141 days is a large number, I still have 859 days to go. How's that for humbling.
Have a great day,
Day: 141 Time/Date: 6:35 AM 1/25/2008 Weather: Clear, 16F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 27:24 Pace: 7:37 min/mile
Miles to Date: 523.8 Total Running Time: 64:08:10
Posted by
7:14 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Day 140 - January 24, 2008
To prepare myself for the 35th anniversary of the day that changed history, I went for a longer, slower run tonight. The January breeze made the 31 degree temperature feel a lot colder, and without the moon breaking the horizon it was pretty dark. But, the quiet was much appreciated and just knowing that I am healthy enough to want to run after work, after dinner, in the dark was comforting. I hope 35 years from tonight, I will be able to look back and still enjoy running alone on a cold winter's night.
Day: 140 Time/Date: 7:20 PM 1/24/2008 Weather: Clear, 31F
Run: Twin Lakes 5.4 Miles: 5.4 Time: 40:45 Pace: 7:33 min/mile
Miles to Date: 520.2 Total Running Time: 63:40:46
Posted by
10:55 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
2nd run with the same moon
Day 139 - January 23, 2008
Wednesdays are tough for me. My first appointment is usually around 6:30 and I'll get home around 9:30 in the evening. It doesn't leave a lot of time for running. That means I'm out of bed by 5 and on the road shortly there after. This morning that meant running under the same full moon that so graciously lit the way for me last evening.
I do like running in the solitude that 5 am has to offer. It's just too bad that it has to come so early.
Day: 139 Time/Date: 5:10 AM 1/23/2008 Weather: Clear, 30F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:32 Pace: 7:16 min/mile
Miles to Date: 514.8 Total Running Time: 63:00:01
Posted by
5:33 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
January Moon
Day 138 - January 22, 2008
Tonight's run was beautifully lit by a rising full moon. The air was crisp and clear as I sliced through the moonshadows. It was a good night to take in the atmosphere and just enjoy the run.
Day: 138 Time/Date: 6:00 PM 1/22/2008 Weather: Clear, 34F
Run: 5 Hill 4.4 Miles: 4.4 Time: 32:30 Pace: 7:23 min/mile
Miles to Date: 512.8 Total Running Time: 62:45:29
Posted by
7:45 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Friends don't let friends get hit by cars
Day 137 - January 21, 2008
Tonight was a close call. I was running with a friend and we were cruising along on a 4 mile run. There was a lot of traffic after work, and we were doing our best to stay out of the way. Near the end of the run, we came upon a truck pulling out of an apartment complex and I decided to go behind. Just as I entered the street, my friend yells watch out........I grabbed the tailgate of the truck just in time to stop myself as a car turning into the complex passed in front. I never saw the car coming up from behind and I'm sure they never saw me. Thanks R, I owe you one. That could have been messy.
And to the girl driving the truck - sorry I scared the crap out of you.
Day: 137 Time/Date: 5:15 PM 1/21/2008 Weather: Clear, 29F
Run: Four Seasons Loop Miles: 4.0 Time: 28:57 Pace: 7:14 min/mile
Miles to Date: 508.4 Total Running Time: 62:12:59
Posted by
11:23 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Wind Chill
Day 136 - January 20, 2008
Even with the colder temperatures today, I still planned to go for a long run. I wanted to run at least 8 miles to keep a steady increase in weekly miles. I bundled up with multiple layers, hat and gloves. I was not going to be deterred. That is until I took a blast of winter chill square in the face. The wind chill was brutal and down near 10 degrees. I still started went forward with my plan, but after about 3 minutes I decided to cut the run short.
I decided to make today's run a tempo run with 3 minute pick-ups. After a 4-5 minute warm-up, I set my watch to beep every three minutes. For the first 3 minutes, I pick up the pace to race pace and run as far as I can. When the watch beeps again, I have 3 minutes to recover and be ready for the next pick-up. Usually this means 30 seconds of barely moving and then gradually increasing the pace back to normal training pace. With only going 3.5 miles today that meant 3 pick-ups which were enough to knock the snot out of me. But I like this type workout because it really simulates racing conditions - there's nothing like having to run fast uphill.
Day: 136 Time/Date: 11:50 AM 1/20/2008 Weather: Clear, Windy, 22F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 25:32 Pace: 7:06 min/mile
Miles to Date: 504.4 Total Running Time: 61:44:02
Posted by
12:46 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Journey Update
Day 135 - January 19, 2008
Today I finally broke the 500 mile mark. After 135 days, I am halfway to the first 1000 miles. I updated my fictional journey cross country and have made my way into Utah and am now just north of Zion National Park. I plan to continue on to Salt Lake City and then into Wyoming. I imagine that Yellowstone will be nice in the spring.Chris
Day: 135 Time/Date: 3:15 PM 1/19/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 37F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 13:44 Pace: 6:52 min/mile
Miles to Date: 500.8 Total Running Time: 61:18:30
Posted by
9:04 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Maybe I meant to do that
Day 134 - January 18, 2008
Sometimes, rarely, procrastination can be a good thing. I was too tired to roll out of bed when I should have this morning and didn't have time to run before work. After talking to a running friend who ran this morning I was glad I did. The 5 inches of snow that fell yesterday before the rains came turned the streets into a slushy, frozen mess. He said he felt more like an ice skater than a runner. I on the other hand had the advantage of warm afternoon temperatures that melted off most of the ice and gave me relatively dry roads to run on after work. Yeah for procrastination. I wish I could just claim that I planned to wait until evening to avoid the early morning icy roads, but I didn't. I was just lazy.
Tomorrow will be Day 135 since I began this journey to 1000 days and I will surpass 500 miles. I'll update my fictional cross country journey to lend some perspective. I should be well into Utah by now.
Day: 134 Time/Date: 6:00 PM 1/18/2008 Weather: Clear, 40F
Run: Geranium-Amicus Miles: 3.5 Time: 25:37 Pace: 7:19 min/mile
Miles to Date: 498.8 Total Running Time: 61:04:46
Posted by
6:34 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Never skip Dinner
Day 133 - January 17, 2008
I was the slug who could not get motivated this morning and it was struggle to get one foot to fall in front of the other. My lack of energy could have come from the 4 times I was awoken during the night or the fact that I skipped dinner. Either way, my energy level was way down this morning.
Day: 133 Time/Date: 6:40 AM 1/17/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 31F
Run: 5 Hill 4.4 Miles: 4.4 Time: 33:16 Pace: 7:34 min/mile
Miles to Date: 495.3 Total Running Time: 60:39:09
Posted by
1:09 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Is it 9 to 5 or 5 to 9?
Day 132 - January 16, 2008
Time management is going to be key today, so it was up at 5 and running by 5:15. After a quick 2 mile run it was back out the door at 6:15 and I might get home before 9 tonight but I doubt it. Ugh! It is going to be a long day!
Day: 132 Time/Date: 5:15 AM 1/16/2008 Weather: Clear, 22F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:29 Pace: 7:14 min/mile
Miles to Date: 490.9 Total Running Time: 60:05:53
Posted by
9:03 AM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Five miles in the Dark
Day 131 - January 15, 2008
This morning I finally sucked it up and ran a run that I have been putting off for weeks because I was worried about the traffic in the dark. The road has lots of hills and not a lot of shoulder so I was concerned that the cars would have little warning when they crested the hill or corner. Well, I couldn't have been more wrong. Over the three plus miles on Beazley, I saw exactly 2 cars and they were on the straightest, flattest section. There's one less excuse I can use now to justify sleeping in that extra half hour.
Day: 131 Time/Date: 6:20 AM 1/15/2008 Weather: Clear, 29F
Run: Beazely Miles: 5.1 Time: 39:04 Pace: 7:18 min/mile
Miles to Date: 488.9 Total Running Time: 59:51:24 Weight: 170
Posted by
7:11 AM
Monday, January 14, 2008
Recovery Day
Day 130 - January 14, 2008
Two miles to work out the soreness from yesterday. I was about three quarters of a mile into the run before I finally hit my stride. The first mile was 7:50, but I finished in 6:58.
Day: 130 Time/Date: 6:50 AM 1/14/2008 Weather: Clear, 32F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:48 Pace: 7:24 min/mile
Miles to Date: 483.8 Total Running Time: 59:14:11
Posted by
7:22 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
First Track Workout
Day 129 - January 13, 2008
Today I finally got to the track. For me, speed workouts are broken into 4 phases. First is the warm-up where I run a comfortable pace for 1-2 miles to loosen up. The warm-up starts off slow and slowly builds up to normal running pace. Today, I ran 2 miles for warm-up on a street that has more hills than I would normally run for a warm-up, but it was a convenient run from the track.
The second phase is the speed phase. This is where I do the intervals at race pace or faster. Today, I ran two 1600 repeats in 6:02 and 6:07. My goal was to average 6:10. I don't think I could have run a third repeat today without hitting the wall, so I think I paced the workout properly.
The third phase is the recovery. Between intervals, I slowly run a 400 or an 800 to recover from the speed. This is really slow and my only focus is to get my breathing under control and be ready for the next interval.
The fourth phase is the cool down, and today it was a repeat of the warm-up, only slower. Depending on the workout, the cool down can be anywhere from 1 mile to 6 or 8. Most days it will only be 1, but if I want to make it a longer run, it is pretty easy to add on some really slow miles.
The plan is to incorporate one speed workout a week now that I'm training for the 10 miler. The number of speed miles will slowly increase and hopefully the average pace will drop, but for the 10 miler, I don't need to run them much faster. Building endurance will be much more important.
Day: 129 Time/Date: 4:30 PM 1/13/2008 Weather: Clear, 43F
Run: Track Workout (2x1600) Miles: 6.2 Time: 43:22 Pace: 7:00 min/mile
Miles to Date: 481.8 Total Running Time: 58:59:23
Posted by
7:32 PM
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Out of time
Day 128 - January 12, 2008
Today did not go as expected, but I still got in the run. Tomorrow will have to make up for skipping the long run today. 2.2 miles 16:02
Posted by
4:51 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Repeat Performance
Day 127 - January 11, 2008
Today's run was a repeat of yesterday. Just an easy run to prepare for tomorrow.
Day: 127 Time/Date: 6:55 AM 1/11/2008 Weather: Light Rain, 40F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:29 Pace: 7:21 min/mile
Miles to Date: 473.4 Total Running Time: 57:59:59
Posted by
10:24 AM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Summer is over
Day 126 -January 10, 2008
Cooler temperatures have returned, but nothing like the cold of a week ago. Sunrise was bold and bright red this morning which added a nice flavor to the start of the day. Not much else to say about it - jut another day closer to 1000.
Day: 126 Time/Date: 7:00 AM 1/10/2008 Weather: Partly Cloudy, 32F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 26:11 Pace: 7:16 min/mile
Miles to Date: 469.8 Total Running Time: 57:33:30
Posted by
4:07 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Impeccable Timing
Day 125 – January 9, 2008
I wish I could say it was my perfect planning that allowed me to run between rain storms this morning, but as it turned out it was just really lucky timing. I got out of bed at 5 am this morning so I could get a quick bite to eat before heading out at 6 or 6:30 for my morning run. In the interim, I had planned to get some work done on the laptop. But the computer gods were not smiling on me this morning and took over an hour just to get my machine to load the software I wanted to use. That put me way behind schedule which was fortunate since it absolutely poured cats and dogs between 6 and 6:45. When I headed out at 7:00 I was in full rain gear expecting the storm to continue, but it had stopped and within 15 minutes had completely cleared off. Go figure. Sometimes it is nice when events to all conspire to go south.
Day: 125 Time/Date: 7:00 AM 1/9/2008 Weather: Cloudy, 59F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 13:54 Pace: 6:57 min/mile
Miles to Date: 466.2 Total Running Time: 57:07:19
Posted by
1:16 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
How long can it last?
Day 124 - January 8, 2008
It was another unseasonably warm day today that made for a great evening run. I almost started out too fast, but quickly pulled back to a more manageable pace before I hit the wall. Other than that, not much to say. I doubt the warm weather will last much longer and I'm glad I got out to enjoy it.
Day: 124 Time/Date: 6:00 PM 1/8/2008 Weather: Clear, Windy, 60F
Run: Geranium-Amicus Miles: 3.5 Time: 24:32 Pace: 7:01 min/mile
Miles to Date: 464.2 Total Running Time: 56:53:25
Posted by
6:52 PM
Monday, January 7, 2008
Summer in January
Day 123 - January 7, 2008
What's a 50 degree swing in temperature over the course of a week? Trouble is, I hadn't noticed the forecast for today and all I took were winter type clothes to run in after work. I did find a pair of running shorts int he bottom of my bag, but they were buried under 2 long sleeve shirts, a jacket, my nylon running pants, a hat and a pair of gloves. I think I was a bit over prepared for cold.
The warm weather was a welcome departure from the frigid temperatures of earlier this month. It also was good to get out and get in a longer run. Today's 5.4 was the longest run I've done since the craziness that was December put a dent in my daily mileage.
There are now only 81 running days remaining until the Charlottesville 10 miler. That's only 11 weekends to get in enough long runs to build the needed endurance and only 10 weeks to get in enough speed workouts. I guess that means I better start this week.
Day: 123 Time/Date: 5:15 PM 1/7/2008 Weather: Clear, 64F
Run: AVIR 5.4 Miles: 5.4 Time: 38:49 Pace: 7:11 min/mile
Miles to Date: 460.7 Total Running Time: 56:28:53
Posted by
9:01 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
A break from the cold
Day 122 - January 6, 2008
The weather was much warmer today. I like running up in the Lehigh Valley because it is so flat. I always run faster without the hills. One of the greatest races I ever ran was the Runner's World Half-Marathon. That course had one tiny hill and it was so easy to keep a steady pace.
Today's run was about 3+ miles (gmap is down tonight) and a good start to a new week.
Posted by
8:34 PM
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Dude - where's my internet connection
Day 121 – January 5, 2008
I’m fighting Internet connectivity issues today so just the bare minimum.
Cold – Ran – DONE!
Day: 121 Time/Date: 7:00 AM 1/5/2008 Weather: Clear, 18F
Run: Hanoverville-Colony Miles: 4.2 Time: 28:49 Pace: 6:52 min/mile
Miles to Date: 452.1 Total Running Time: 55:28:07
Posted by
11:47 AM
Friday, January 4, 2008
A whole new level of cold
Day 120 – January 4, 2008
I always can tell when the temperature dips below 15F. Below 15 you can feel it in your face. Below 15 you can feel your breath freezing in your nostrils. It just isn’t pleasant. Today was one of those mornings where you wish you hadn’t complained when it was 80F for an August run. I know the last couple of days I mentioned how cold it has turned, but those days were bearable. Today the cold was downright nasty. Now I know that in some places 12F in January would be a warm spell. I get that. But this is Virginia – we’re wimpy when it comes to cold. I grew up in Pennsylvania and can remember mornings when it was 15 below and I still had to go out and feed the cows – but I sure didn’t go running on those days. I can’t even imagine living in the upper-midwest where the temperatures can drop below -40F. I guess those runners must use treadmills.
So, how cold is too cold to run? I doubt I will find out living here in VA. I’ll probably whine about it, but I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who will remind me of my SIUCB mantra. And it’s not like I haven’t run at 12F before. A few years ago I did an 11 mile run on a morning just like today. When I finished, I had frost on my hat. So if I can run that far when it is cold, surely I can run a little bit to keep the streak going. But hopefully, this will turn out to be the coldest week of the year and I won’t have to find out.
Day: 120 Time/Date: 6:50 AM 1/4/2008 Weather: Clear, 12F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:28 Pace: 7:14 min/mile
Miles to Date: 447.9 Total Running Time: 54:59:18
Posted by
10:59 AM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Another cold morning
Day 119 - January 3, 2008
Overnight the temperatures dropped into the teens, but fortunately the winds died down. It was still cold, but armed with multiple layers I got in a decent run. I made no effort to push the pace at all and just wanted to get the miles in. Now that January is here, I plan to get back to November like running by the end of the month. That should give me a good head start in preparation for the 10 miler in the spring.
Day: 119 Time/Date: 6:05 AM 1/3/2008 Weather: Clear, 19F
Run: S Geranium-Goldenrod Miles: 4.4 Time: 33:36 Pace: 7:38 min/mile
Miles to Date: 445.9 Total Running Time: 54:44:50
Posted by
6:58 AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Chilly morning
Day 118 - January 2, 2008
The winds were still pretty brisk this morning and it dropped the wind chill to 15 degrees. Basically I ended up running with only my face exposed and it wasn't too bad, but I wasn't out there for very long. Tomorrow is forecast to be even colder - I can't wait.
I think everyone on the road this morning was late for work because they all were driving really fast without much regard for anything else (including stop signs). I don't think they were just anxious to get back to work after the holidays.
Day: 118 Time/Date: 7:00 AM 1/2/2008 Weather: Windy, 26F
Run: Amicus 2 Mile Miles: 2.0 Time: 14:37 Pace: 7:18 min/mile
Miles to Date: 441.5 Total Running Time: 54:11:14
Posted by
7:48 PM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year
Day 117 - January 1, 2008
The new year blew in with some high winds today. I skipped the early morning run in favor of some extra sleep, and then gathered up the family for a fun hike up White Oak Canyon. After getting home, I headed out for a three and a half mile run. The wind was tough and I was a little tired from holding the dog back for two hours, but it was a good start to the new year.
Day: 117 Time/Date: 4:15 PM 1/1/2008 Weather: Windy, 41F
Run: N Carnation-Davis Miles: 3.6 Time: 25:39 Pace: 7:07 min/mile
Miles to Date: 439.5 Total Running Time: 53:56:37
Posted by
5:06 PM