Training Widget

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Geesh - I thought running 1000 days would be tough

Now this is impressive. I was doing a little surfing tonight and I came across JUST YOUR AVERAGE JOGGLER, Perry Romanowski's attempt to joggle at least 1 mile for 1000 straight days.

What is joggling? Well, joggling is what you get when you combine long distance running and juggling - yeah juggling. I have a hard enough time just not getting hit by cars - I can't imagine if I had to focus on three balls flying through the air.

The crazy thing - I was reading some of his recent posts and he actually tracks how many times he drops the ball while running. I guess when you don't drop them very often it isn't that hard, but for me, that would be like trying to remember how many cars passed me during a run.

I have to admit I'm really curious to see how it goes, so I added his blog to my reader feeds. Check out his site and read his story. I think it is pretty cool.

1 comment:

Perry said...

Good luck with your running streak! My first try took me to 444 days. I just ended it for no reason except I liked the number 444. This time I'll get 1000. I'll put your blog in my RSS and keep up with your progress.