Day 304 - October 31, 2009
Tonight I ran with the Trick or Treaters. I had plans to run a long run early in the day, but time got away from me and I was forced to find time after dark this evening. I decided I would run at least 2 miles and go from there. Sometimes, that is the best plan, because everyone knows, the first step is the toughest. Once you are out on the road, it is much easier to keep going. Tonight's two mile run ended up being just short of 6.
So, as the 10th month of the streak comes to an end, I figured I'd give my monthly update. For the month, I ran 127.5 miles. Not quite the 130 I was hoping for, but better than 4/day. With 2 months to go, I need to average 131/month to get to 1460. With the holidays, that is going to be tough, but I'm not giving up on that yet.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
Posted by
9:45 PM
Labels: Halloween, night running, rain
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Another group run
Well sort of. There were two of us who started together today, but that is where the group part ended. I decided to take advantage of the 70 degree day and crank out 7 miles while T, who is just getting back to running, went for 3 miles. He of course, was finished and gone before I got back.
The remainder of the week is going to be tough to get in many miles, but I'm going to do my best to get to 30 this week. We'll see how it goes.
Posted by
9:12 PM
Labels: fall running, running group
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Day 300
October 27, 2009
Congratulations to all the runners who started streaks on Jan 1, 2009. Today is day 300. I marked today with a short run in the rain.
So far this year I have run 1180 miles in 153:06:43. I never really thought about it, but that is over 6 days worth of running!
With a little over 2 months remaining in the year, I am still 20 miles behind where I need to be to average 4 miles a day. I'm going to keep pushing and hopefully I'll get there.
On to 400.
Posted by
7:25 PM
Labels: Day 300
Monday, October 26, 2009
The group runs seem to be all I write about
Day 299, October 26, 2009
Our group size seems to be stuck at three. Today, the group was a repeat of last Monday's group. My long time running friend, RR, joined B and I again today for 5 miles out to Chris Greene Lake and back. I felt pretty strong today and finished in just under 35 minutes. I was going to try and run a little longer today, but RR was ready to be done at 5 miles and I decided to stop with him. I'll stretch it out a little on Wednesday.
I don't know about where you are, but the fall leaves are right at peak here in central VA and it is awesome running in all that color. I hope everyone is enjoying the fall running.
Posted by
7:06 PM
Labels: peak color, running group
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Another group run
Day 294 - October 21, 2009
There was another group run today and our numbers increased to four! We had two new runners today and yet again, B and I were the only repeat runners. It was a gorgeous afternoon for a run - 80 degrees, no wind or humidity, and bright warm sun. There won't be many more days like this before the cold weather sets in for the winter. Glad I could run with friends and check off another day.
Posted by
7:35 PM
Monday, October 19, 2009
Day 3 - work running group
Day 292 - October 19, 2009
Today was the third meeting of the lunch running group - but we ran after work today instead of at lunch. We've had three people run each day, but so far only two of us have run each time. I ran the five mile route again today and was accompanied by an old running friend that I invited to join our group.
No drama today and my inner jackass was contained :) Just a great fall day for a run.
Posted by
9:49 PM
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I really didn't want to run today
Day 290 - October 17, 2009
Tonight was one of those days where I really had to force the miles. Earlier in the day I went on a 4+ mile hike and my legs were not feeling fresh. I really should have run before the hike.
I decided to just do a slow 2 miles and mark off another day on the streak. Tomorrow will be better.
Posted by
8:19 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Day 2 of the Lunch Running Group
Day 287 - October 14, 2009
Day 2 of the Lunch Running Group (LRG) may become known as the day the Old Bald Guy (OBG) showed the young guy why you don't exaggerate your running pace. Let me explain.
When we first decided to start the running group, one of the young guys at work, asked what pace we would run. I explained that it was really about just getting out together and everyone would run at a comfortable pace. Some of the guys would be in the 8-9 minute/mile range, and I would be running 7:40ish/mile.
You know how 90% of communication is non-verbal. Well, even though this kid nodded that he understood, everything else said "I CANT BELIEVE THESE GUYS ARE SO SLOW". So we asked him how fast he runs, and after he puffed out his chest, he informed us that he runs 6 minute miles.
Now, I'm not saying this kid isn't in good shape, but 6 minute miles is pretty darn fast. And to top it off, he wasn't talking race pace. He claimed he runs that for a 5 mile training run. That would pretty much put him in the top 1% of all local runners. Sensing that this might be a bit faster than he can really run, I was looking forward to testing him - yes, as you probably guessed from the photo at the top of the blog, I am the OBG.
I am no where near averaging 6 minute miles for a training run, and I doubt I could maintain that pace for even a 5K. I think the last 5K I ran averaged 6:25/mile. So I certainly wasn't going to run 5 miles in 30 minutes, but I let everyone know at the beginning of the run that I would be doing the 5 mile route again today and anyone who wanted to join me was welcome. The trap was set - hehehe.
We all started together, and the young guy jumped out to a quick lead. For the first 100 meters, I thought maybe I was about to get smoked and that I had really misjudged him. But I quickly pulled up on his shoulder, and within the first quarter of a mile, I was running stride for stride. I told him where the route I was running led and mentioned that if I was holding him back, he should go on ahead. With a grin, he thanked me for not expecting him to run my pace.Those of you who know me, know that I'm kind of like Michale J Fox in Back to the Future. Just as he couldn't let it go when someone called him chicken, I can't let some young punk, who thinks he's way faster than he is, get away with being that cocky. It is my duty, as an OBG, to show him the error of his ways. Even if I hurt myself trying.
As we continued on to the half mile point, I matched every surge, step for step. We still were running much slower than 6 minute miles. In fact, I'd be surprised if we were even faster than 7 minute pace at this point. Definitely faster than I would normally run, but I was confident I could maintain that pace for the full 5 miles. At 3/4 of a mile (notice, we're still really early in the run) we turned the corner and started up the first hill. I noticed the young guy's breathing was getting quite labored, and I did my best to hide any discomfort I was feeling. At one point I may have even been holding my breath so it wouldn't sound like I was struggling. The harder he was breathing, the faster I ran up the hill. I just couldn't help myself. My inner jackass had taken over.
At 1 mile, I turned right headed for the park, and continued to maintain my pace. I turned to say something to the young guy and he wasn't there...what? Where'd he go? Did he really give up after only a mile? It turns out he went left at the top of the hill. I guess he didn't want me slowing him down :)
I finished the run in 33:50 for a solid sub 7 minute pace which I was really happy about and I'd be lying if I didn't admit I was feeling pretty cocky myself that I had out run a 6 minute mile guy*.
I really don't know why people feel the need to exaggerate their running times. There is nothing to be gained by it. Neither of us is going to make any money as a professional runner. I'm much more impressed with a 9 minute miler who has a great run and finishes in 8 minute miles than a runner who doesn't come within a minute of their "average" pace. I'm more impressed with the guy who is out there running because he wants to be healthier or the guy who completes their first race. Bragging about embellished running times only lasts until you actually run with the people you are trying to impress. Maybe he figured I'd be so far back, I'd never know that he wasn't as fast as he said. Maybe he really doesn't know how fast 6 minute pace is. Maybe he just had a bad day. I don't know. I guess we'll see next week if/when he runs with us on Monday.
* - sarcasm - its not just for breakfast.
Posted by
6:26 PM
Monday, October 12, 2009
Lunch time run
Day 285 - October 12, 2009
My coworkers and I have formed a lunchtime running group that is going to run together on Mondays and Wednesday. I'm really excited that this will allow us to run in the daylight through the fall and winter months. Our abilities are quite varied, but we will start together each day and go from there. Today there were three of us and we chose an out and back course where we each turned around at a different distance. The faster runners ran further, and the guys just starting their running ran a shorter course. It worked out pretty well. Hopefully we will get a few more people out on Wednesday and we can hold each other accountable to getting those two runs in a week. I also think we will try and run some races together later in the fall and train for a longer race in the spring. I'll try and post updates as we go along and let you know how we are progressing.
Posted by
6:53 PM
Labels: lunch run, running group
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Day 280 - 1100 miles
Day 280 - October 6, 2009
A rather uneventful run that took me over 1100 miles for the year. I've had near perfect weather to run the last week or so and I am loving it.
Posted by
7:29 PM
Labels: 1100 miles
Monday, October 5, 2009
Finding Time
Day 278 - October 5, 2009
The biggest excuse I hear about not exercising is not having enough time. With a running streak, excuses don't cut it. You have to find time. Finding time has not been as hard as I thought it might be. Tonight was a good example.
Monday nights are dance class night, which means I get to take my daughter to class and wait around 45 minutes for the class to end. Normally I take my laptop, surf the web, and generally waste time. Today, I decided I would use the time for my run. 45 minutes is plenty of time to get a 4 mile run finished and be back in plenty of time for the class to end.
I've found plenty of times when I thought the day was too busy, but, when I got past the excuses, there was always time to run. Exercising everyday is really just a matter of making the choice to do it. What are you going to choose?
Posted by
8:21 PM
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Another Long Run
Day 276 - October 3, 2009
Today was a great day for a long run. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I chose a 12.5 mile out and back course along the base of the mountain. The miles clicked by pretty quickly and if it weren't for some nagging aches and pains, it would have been a perfect run. A couple of time I thought about cutting it short, but since the pains didn't get any worse, I decided to push on. Getting the long run in gave me 30 miles for the week and keeps me on pace for hitting my goal for the year.
Posted by
7:48 PM
Labels: long run, perfect weather